"Hush!" … Tariff $ 500 Billion Threat to China?


[아시아경제 베이징 박선미 특파원] US President Donald Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on all Chinese products of $ 500 billion, but China reacts with unusual caution and attention is focused on the context.

The relevant ministries, including the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, did not respond to President Trump yesterday that he is ready to impose tariffs on all Chinese imports.

On June 15, when the United States announced that it would impose a 25% tariff on Chinese imports worth $ 50 billion, the Commerce Department announced its list of counterparts at 1:30 am. Counterattack & # 39;

The public media, acting as "the mouth of the government", have consistently opposed the United States: "Even when the US announced an additional tariff plan of $ 200 billion, China will not go out of business. is opposed to it in the same way. It is only to announce the tone of his opposition to trade protectionism, and he tries to avoid as much as possible to face the new threats of the United States. In the past two days, the official Trump, Xinhua and Global Times media have not reported on Trump's new threat. In a comment on the Communist Party's People's Daily on July 22, the People's Daily says: "The US trade war must be attacked by the United States." And has not responded to any of the $ 50 billion imposed tariffs imposed by President Trump.

This silence of the Chinese media is also exceptional. This is an obvious change since the Chinese government issued a press release asking the media not to do too much reporting on information to block the panic that could lead to an atmosphere of growing trade war. Experts will comment on China's reaction to the fact that the United States is increasingly threatening China for a trade war, because China understands it at the "summit" level. Iris Fang, chief economist of the Chinese bank, said through Hong Kong's South China Morning Post (SCMP): "I understand that China is reluctant to respond to Trump's remarks," he said. "I may understand that the United States is using tactics to lure China to attract the attention of President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin," he said. I do not think I will pay much attention to it unless I announce a clear application schedule. "

Some argue that the additional threat of the United States worries China, but the fact that there is no other content than the countermeasures of the previous report," Let's do face again "and" I will retaliate ", also affects the cautious response of China.Although the United States imports 130 billion US dollars and the United States impose duties on Chinese products of a value of 500 billion dollars, it is impossible to get the same response card.

China also refrains from responding as much as possible to the attacks on US currencies.Trump said Tuesday that China and China the European Union have deliberately devalued the currencies and lowered the base rate, saying that China has not responded to this, I am able to send you back.

While l & rsquo; Atmosphere of commercial war between the United States and China is t up, China is reluctant to introduce counter-attack cards, And express their opposition to trade protectionism.

During his visit to the United Arab Emirates, the city met with Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi and other strategic co-directors, including Chinese President Hu Jintao, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Chinese President Hu Jintao. I had a 'call of love' while deepening my relationship. The two countries exchanged 13 memoranda of understanding promising cooperation on oil, solar energy, electronic commerce, agriculture and fisheries and customs clearance.

Even after arriving in Senegal after the UAE event, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPRK) told Senator Makihara that "in the case of China and the United States," Senegal is a good friend and companion, "he said," we want to exchange views on bilateral relations and common international and regional issues, and promote bilateral relations so that development can take place. "[19659002] .kr

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