Hyundai Health News – How to prevent bullying without a vaccine? … Serious concerns



[현대건강신문=김형준 기자] Kim, 36, raises two five-year-olds and three-year-olds in a day care center. A few days ago, the second child had toothpaste, so she asked me to take it out and brush my teeth a few times, but she kept shouting that something was uncomfortable. Even though he had used dental floss, he put his hands in his mouth and said that he was uncomfortable. In addition, the red spots on her hands and feet show a prominent elevation Kim thought her child was sick.

In hot weather, a typical summer outbreak is a disease of the hands and feet of a person who has a serious illness, It is already spreading rapidly in places where group life, like the daycare, is already over.

As a result of the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey, the number of patients with disabilities was 25.2 out of 268 (outpatient consultations 1000), 27.9 out of 24 , 9 and 27.5 out of 27 (33.6), and it is expected that the patient will continue to grow until the end of the month of August.

The disease is characterized by fever, blisters and ulcers in the mouth and vesicular rashes in the hands and feet caused by infection with the Coxsackie virus or enterovirus, especially in infants and infants.

Personal hygiene is complete and must be isolated when it develops

Disability disease is pbaded on to other people by respiratory secretions, C & D Is a disease that recovers most naturally after the day, and it is possible to prevent infection by carefully observing personal hygiene, such as a good hand washing. However, in some patients, myocarditis, neurogenic pulmonary edema and acute pelvic floor paralysis may occur in addition to central nervous system complications such as meningitis, cerebral ataxia, and encephalitis with fever, vomiting , paralysis, etc.

Professor Im Jung Hyuk of the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescents of the Korea University in Guro said: "The risk of hand and foot disease is high and infectious, and you have to pay attention. "Most of them recover naturally after 7 to 10 days after the onset of symptoms, but some children do not have abnormal symptoms in immunocompromised children because they can lead to neurological complications such as meningitis or encephalitis in some infants. "

The disease of the hand-foot is caused by symptoms in the hands, feet and mouth. Usually 3 to 5 days after the incubation period, the palm, the side of the finger, the heel or the big toe and the flowering in the mouth occurs.

Diseases such as stomatitis or herpangina, which cause severe blisters and ulcers in the mouth, are also caused by enteroviruses responsible for foot-and-mouth disease. But the symptoms do not necessarily appear in the hands, feet or mouth. The symptoms appear in the hands, feet and mouth, spread throughout the body, and sometimes blisters appear in completely different areas such as bad, forearms and others.

Professor Lim said, "When a person thinks that a hand-foot disease is present only in the hands, feet or mouth and that the symptoms appear in other parts it can be considered a separate infection. "But if you look at the actual treatment, you can extend it to the whole body in addition to your hands, feet and mouth, or it can appear in entirely different areas like bad, forearms, etc."

The disease of the hand-foot spreads to other people by respiratory secretions and stool such as saliva, sputum and nose of an infected person. Bulbs are the size of rice or kidney beans and may not be itchy or sore. If you go to bed for a week, most of the sinking, but if you have fever, headaches for more than a week and stiff neck, you can cause meningitis or aseptic encephalitis. Once aseptic meningitis occurs, cerebral pressure may increase, resulting in cerebral edema or severe febrile seizures.

No vaccine has yet been developed to prevent foot-and-mouth disease. This is because there are more than 70 types of enteroviruses that cause disability illness. Therefore, after going out, you must properly manage personal hygiene, such as washing and washing your hands, boiling water. In most cases, the disease will heal naturally after 7 to 10 days, but if complications occur, treatment should be given accordingly.

In addition, when coughing, it is necessary to rest on the upper side of the clothesline or on a toilet paper

Professor Lim said, "Prevention is the most important thing, because it has no special treatment. "" It is important to keep a cough tag that covers the nose and nose and carefully disinfect the clothes with the patient's excrement. "It is difficult for a child to clean himself, so parents should help them to completely protect their hands, fingers, etc."

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