Hyundai Health Newspaper – 40s in appearance management such as hair loss treatment actively


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[현대건강신문=여혜숙 기자] The forties change. In the drama of a romantic material, a man in his forties appears as a main character, and the social point of view of a man in his forties goes from an "older generation" to a generation younger, called "Young Forty".

The number of patients seeking a hospital for the treatment of male hair loss has increased steadily in the 40s

40s Hair loss, common in men since then, is a major factor in determining from the age of onset, but it is known that there is no basic treatment other than surgery.

The leading cause of hair loss in men is hereditary androgenic hair removal, the "hair loss in men". A typical treatment is to take a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor.

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which causes hair loss by inhibiting the progression of hair loss is the principle. Previous treatment regimens were under 41 years of age, but about 3 years ago, on September 30, 2014, the age of Avodart (dutasteride) was extended to 50 years, and new options of Treatment

Indeed, the number of male androgenetic hair loss patients in their forties who want to treat hair loss since 2014 is steadily increasing. According to data published by the NHIC, the proportion of 40 patients with male androgenic hair loss has steadily increased from 21.41% in 2013 to 24.19% in 2017 before the age of indications. In addition, the total number of patients treated for hair loss during the same period did not change significantly, but the number of patients in their forties increased by more than 10%

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The indication of Avodate is not only the occasion of a nonsurgical treatment for patients with male pattern baldness in the forties, but also for patients aged 40 years

In a multinational clinical trial, patients who received 0.5 mg of Avodart and patients who took 1 mg of pinastelid showed hair 2.54 cm in diameter When the numerical average was measured, the mean value of patients taking avodate was 82.3 points, 61.7% higher than that of patients taking pinastelide (50.9 points). Avodart showed a 58.6% increase in the number of hairs compared to Pinasteride, even at the time of the 24th day of taking, and 70.5% of the increase in the number of hair M, which represents 80% of the loss of Korean hair, has been confirmed. The same result is seen in the mechanism difference. The 5 alpha reductase enzymes responsible for androgenic alopecia are of type I and type II. While the pinasteride formulation only inhibits type 2, the dutasteride formulation, such as Avodat, can inhibit both type 1 and type 2 and reduce the concentration of DHT in the blood by 92%.

On the other hand, there is no difference in the rate of occurrence of adverse effects. Multinational clinical trials showed that the incidence of adverse events was 15%, 16% and 20%, respectively, in patients receiving placebo, patients receiving Avodate and patients receiving 1 mg Pinasteride, respectively, without difference clinically significant. There was no significant difference in the incidence of libido, incontinence or ejaculatory disorder in patients taking pinastelide, even in the case of adverse events related to the badual function.

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