Hyundai Health Newspaper – Treatment of athlete's foot with vinegar that worsens during the rainy season Skin necrosis


  Landscape_photo.gif ▲ In the beginning of the summer, many people worry about skin diseases. It is a typical athlete's foot disease or a severe athlete's foot that causes itching and a severe odor. The fungus that causes the athlete's foot grows well in an environment with high temperature and humidity.

Wash Your Feet Properly and Use a Dryer to Completely Remove Water Between Your Toes

[현대건강신문] Many people worry about skin diseases as the summer begins.

Typical is athlete's foot disease, which causes severe itching and odor. The mold, which is the cause of the athlete's foot, thrives well in an environment with high temperature and high humidity.

That is why the athlete's foot is mainly caused by feet and socks and shoes that do not give off moisture. In hot, humid summers like these days, the incidence is high and the symptoms also worsen.

The athlete's foot can easily be cured by proper treatment, but if it is not treated or if it is not controlled, the foot of the athlete Athlete spreads, as well as the risk of cutaneous necrosis.

The cause of the athlete's foot is mildew, which grows well in a hot, humid environment. Our rainy season is the best environment for mold. It's easy to get an athlete's foot during the rainy season, and it's easy for the athlete's foot that has already gotten worse.

According to the data of the Agency for Evaluation and Evaluation of Medicare, the number of people having consulted an athlete's foot ( amygdala) between 2014 and 2017 was the highest from July to August.

Professor Yuhan Lin of the Department of Dermatology of Kyunghee University Hospital said: "In summer, high temperature and high humidity are a good season for skin fungi, cause of foot disease. athlete." In summer the temperature is high "It is easy to spread through the scales of patients because of the high exposure to the environment."

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