I can not wait to see what happens … Neuroactive Agents More Powerful than Sarin VX


Photo = Dong-A Ilbo DB

In the UK, one of two men and women in their forties who had been treated at the hospital because they were dependent on Novichok, a neurotoxic agent last month Novice fear spreads on the eighth day (local time).

According to sources such as the AP, AFP and others, the British police died the day after Dawn Sturgess (44), who had been treated at the hospital. 39, Salisbury Hospital in Wiltshire, England, was found unconscious. He said.

Stujis was found in a building in Amesbury, Waltham, with his lover Charlie Rowley on November 30. Raleigh is treated at the hospital, but it is known that she is in critical condition.

It has been confirmed that they are dependent on the "novice". It's the same nerve agent that was used in March to try to murder Russian spy double Sergei Scriplal (66) and his daughter Julia (33).

A former Russian spy, Scriplal, was released as a prisoner of exchange in prison in Russia for pbading secrets to England. Scriplal was released on March 4 from a shopping mall in Salisbury, UK, after being diagnosed with an addiction to poisoning with her daughter, after being treated at the hospital.

Is a neurotransmitter developed for military use in the former Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s, and is considered one of the most powerful poisons among biochemical weapons. He is known to be a much stronger nervous agent than Sarin, who caused the disaster in the Japanese subway and Syrian rebels. In February of last year, Kim Jong-eun was known to be 5 to 8 times more poisoned than the VX, a toxic substance used during the badbadination of Kim Jong-nam,
D & # 39; other hand, the British police said that the investigation did not reveal the background of a coup Stuarts state. Experts speculated that they might have been accidentally exposed to a dump of the discarded track


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