I declared "triumphing over IS" but … The chaos has continued in Iraq


The Iraqi Army declaring victory over the IS

<img src = "http://img.yonhapnews.co.kr/etc/inner/KR/2018/07/09/ AKR20180709157400111_03_i.jpg "alt =" The Iraqi Army declaring victory over the IS [AFP=연합뉴스자료사진]

The Tehran-based correspondent = the Iraqi Army declaring the victory over the IS [AFP=연합뉴스자료사진]”/>

( IS), which has raged in Iraq for three years, officially died in December last year, but Iraq falls back into chaos.

The new government, responsible for the reconstruction Iraq, has not yet launched and leadership is virtually empty.

ACLED, a multinational group that badyzes data on armed conflict and terrorism, has expressed concern that it is slowly rallies around central Iraq in a report released July 7.

ACLED says "But it has now been reorganized into a form of guerrilla army has June 2016, when he occupied Mosul. "

In the report, According to EI, the IS aims to recover from the center of Iraq and the capital Baghdad, including many peoples, sects and ethnic groups in favor of Sunni, in Kirkuk, Diyala, Nineveh and the province of Salahuddin

(IED), a terrorist attack targeting Shia civilians, a Shia militia or a pro-government

In September of last year, the Kurdish autonomous government forced an independent independent referendum, which led to a conflict with the central government of Iraq,

The Iraqi central government used military force in the province of Kirkuk last October in exchange of the referendum, and it is because the army of the Kurdish autonomous government, Peshmerga, which prevented it from going to the IS, has withdrawn There is a hole in the public security

ACLED reported that 440 acts of violence were committed by r ISE residents in Kirkuk and Salahuddin provinces in January and June of this year.

  In the ruins of the city of Mosul in Iraq [AFP=연합뉴스자료사진]

In the ruined city of Mosul in Iraq [AFP=연합뉴스자료사진]

Two months after the general elections, the political results have not yet been confirmed because of the illegal electoral fate.

Iraq is a parliamentary cabinet, and the result of general elections must be elected before cabinet formation. The current parliament completed its mandate last month.

As the controversy over illegal elections grows, the new government is still in the process of launching a new government that will sweep the remnants of ISIS, seek redress and promptly lead the reconstruction project. after war.

In southern Iraq, demonstrations took place last week due to lack of water, electricity and salaries of civil servants.

Elections were organized by the electoral system, 19659005] The system was imported from Korean small and medium-sized enterprises for fast and transparent counting of newsletters, but suspicions of hacking and manipulation of data were strongly raised and are currently being taken up by the Supreme Court.

In addition, the outgoing foreign referendum, which was uncertain about the identity, and Nineveh, Anbar, Diyala,

Following the resumption of voting in Kirkuk, some polling stations [19659005] The election result nullified expectations, and the party led by Shiite leader Moqtada al-Sadr, which was a foreign affairs group, won the most seats. It is expected that the Iraqi government will fall into chaos even if it changes.

[email protected]

2018/07/09 20:36 sending

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