I do not know what to do with funerals … Two suspects arrested for murder – Sports trend


The Kazakh sporting hero and his mourning for Denis Teng, a descendant of Chung Jung-ho in the Korean Empire, perform his funeral as a funeral for the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Sports and the city of Kiguchi. Almaty on the 21st, Yonhap News reported. According to local media such as Kazinform, the funeral will be held on May 21 at 10 am at the Vuluan Sallock Sports Center in the city of Almaty

  Suspect Denis Tenn. Youtube Screenshot

I suspect Denis Tenn. YouTube Capture

After the funeral, the body of the deceased is moved to the village cemetery near the city of Almaty

Mourning for the deceased continued on the 20th day of death [19659005]

The Japanese instructor Yumi and Midori, who teaches Japanese in Almaty, held a ceremony in front of the temple with a chrysanthemum tree

Local media reporters, who reported on the places, also blindfolded

saying: "It's a pity that a young hero in the sports world was different from a famous person."

On Arbat Street in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, the citizens of the day before made a souvenir with a picture of TEN, a candle and a flower, and a wall of mourning. 002] In addition, Denis Ten's Instagram has letters of mourning in various languages, including Korean, Kazakh, Russian, Japanese and English.

As a result of the badbadination of two people who were trying to steal his rear-view mirror at 3 pm on July 19, Ten was killed after being stabbed in the hospital by a armed.

Arrest of two suspects

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