I do not think so. "The US military has been hit by North Korea"


  The North Korea-United States Labor Talks were held in Panmunjom on the 16th to discuss the detailed timetable for the repatriation of American troops who died during the Korean War. The US military vehicle heads to Panmunjom via Tongil Bridge in Paju City, Gyeonggi Province. [뉴스1]

North Korea-US labor talks were held in Panmunjom on the 16th to discuss the detailed timetable for the repatriation of US soldiers killed in the Korean War. The US military vehicle heads to Panmunjom via Tongil Bridge in Paju City, Gyeonggi Province. [뉴스1]

When the United States negotiated the repatriation of North Korean and US troops, they crossed the military demarcation line (MDL) and set foot on the north side.
According to a source close to the North-American military contact, Colonel Burke Hamilton, Secretary of the United States Armistice Committee, contacted the North at the time of the unification November 16th. The day before, the ministerial meeting of North Korea and the United States of America arrived at the United Nations Command in charge of the 15th Chief of Staff of the US Army. The meeting place was also the angle of unification. The angle of unification is the north side of Panmunmom. It is an area beyond the MDL that separates North and South.
The meeting place where US troops met North Korea after the Armistice Agreement of July 27, 1953 is the meeting room of the Military Armistice Commission in Panmunjom. This meeting room, which was established in October 1953, immediately after the blackout, includes the main meeting room (T2) and the small meeting room (T3). Both chambers are under the jurisdiction of the UNC, the governing body of the armistice agreement. This means that the US Army, the representative of the UNC, will contact North Korean forces under the armistice system. The MDL pbades through these central offices.

  The appearance of the reunification of the north side of Panmunjom, the venue of the talks between the two Korea. [사진공동취재단]

An image of the unification of the north side of Panmunjom, a place of talks between the two Koreas. [사진공동취재단]

However, the US military was two days away from the MDL, which was de facto a taboo since the armistice. "In 1976, when the North Korean army killed two US military officers, the MDL is engaged," said Moon Sung-mook, the chief delegate of military negotiations at the North and South levels. . "The US military had no reason to contact North Korean forces outside the UNC and the Jungjeon meeting place as long as the cease-fire agreement was reached. the fire was in effect. " A source from the USFK also said: "I've been involved in related work for over 40 years, but in my memory, I have not contacted the North Korean side because the US military has crossed the MDL. "

In an unprecedented situation in the north of the country, some US officials reported that the United States used the angle of unification of the North instead of the Military Committee meeting to symbolize the. It is interpreted as having avoided the meeting room to show both inside and out that North Korea does not formally discuss the statement it requires.

On the other hand, some point to the dense promotion of North Korea. The intention of North Korea was to neutralize the ban system. However, when the US military restricted the dialogue channel to the UNC, North Korea had to find a meeting place for military affairs in order to have military talks with US forces . But this time, North Korea managed to get American troops out of the office. North Korea and the United States are scheduled to hold T3 or T2 talks on December 12. However, North Korea did not appear on the day of the meeting, but held the meeting on the 15th. The next round of talks was held on the place of unification.

The head of the Moon Center says, "It is highly likely that North Korea will request every unification meeting." "North Korea has left the US precedent and the only military channel in their backyard.It seems that they will insist on abolition in turn." A former government official, well-informed in the North American negotiations, said: "Given the political situation in the United States, it is very important to reach the conclusion of the talks of the summit of June 12." He said Some people point out that the talks will also affect the negotiations on the declaration.
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