If you are sick in the bottom of the right abdomen, this may be a sign of colon cancer.


This is relatively new. A strong man in his mid-thirties recently visited the outpatient clinic with pain and diarrhea in the right lower abdomen. The pain and diarrhea lasted for several months, but the symptoms worsened. Colonoscopy was performed and the result was unfortunately the third stage of colorectal cancer. Fortunately, I was operated on and now I am in chemotherapy.

Colon cancer is a term referring to malignant tumors in the large intestine. According to the leading cause of death of the National Statistical Office (NSO) in 2016, the number of cancer deaths (16.5 per 100,000 people) for the first time last year exceeded the number of cancer deaths by the stomach (16,2). Colon cancer is known to occur frequently in men of average age of 50 years and older, but the incidence of colorectal cancer has recently increased in the 30s and 40s, accounting for only 10%.

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Straight lower abdominal pain, weight loss and symptoms such as colorectal cancer should be suspected.

▲ cause of colon cancer = environmental factors and genetic factors are divided into. Hereditary colorectal cancer has been described as "colorectal cancer of familial polyposis" (more than 100 polyps in the colon in adolescents, leading to colon cancer at a very young age) and "hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer". family history of colon cancer, uterine cancer, small bowel cancer and kidney cancer before the age of 50) and several other hereditary colorectal cancers are rare. Colon cancer caused by these genetic factors is characterized by a relatively young age.

It is known that environmental factors include foods high in fat and calories, obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. In particular, eating foods containing saturated fats, such as animal fats, increases the likelihood of developing colon cancer. The high fat diet, the consumption of roasted meat or smoke, the lack of fiber intake, etc., increase the length of stay in the stool. During this process, the bile acid is excessively secreted, causing inflammation of the lining of the colon. It is also reported that smoking increases the incidence of colorectal cancer and that people who have been smoking for more than 20 years are increasing mortality from colorectal cancer.

▲ Colorectal cancer Symptoms = colorectal cancer. There are few symptoms. The symptoms depend on the location and stage of the cancer. The right colon, the ascending colon, is larger in diameter than the descending colon on the left side, and its contents are also fluid, hence the symptoms of transient disorders caused by cancer when cancer occurs in the ascending colon. Symptoms such as pain, anorexia, anemia, anemia and weight loss are observed in the lower right abdomen. Percentage When cancer develops in the left large intestine, it often accompanies constipation and pain because the size of the large intestine and the diameter of the large intestine narrows towards the transverse colon and left large intestine. Blood is mixed with blood on the right side of the colon cancer appears more common, and frequent intestinal obstruction.

When cancer occurs in the rectum, it can be accompanied by symptoms such as bloody, sticky stools, constipation, or diarrhea. .

▲ Treatment of colorectal cancer = colorectal cancer (colorectal cancer), colorectal cancer (colorectal cancer), colorectal cancer (colorectal cancer), colorectal cancer The colon can be treated with colonoscopy or endoscopic submucosal dissection for cancer colorectal at the early stage. The advantage of endoscopic resection of early colorectal cancer is that it can be treated by endoscopic surgery without surgery and that it has a rapid recovery. In the case of cancer involving the mucosal or submucosa layer to less than 1 mm, the cure rate exceeds 99% even with endoscopic treatment. However, histological examination may require lymph node metastasis if involvement of lymph nodes or deep involvement of cancer cells in the large wall and surgery are required.

The treatment of colon cancer is based on surgery. 80% of colon cancer is confined to the large intestine. Cancer can also be found in the lymph nodes around colon cancer. Surgery is the only method of healing in this case. The goal of surgery for colorectal cancer in which progression has not begun, is the complete elimination of cancer, and the scope of surgery includes the blood vessels and lymph nodes around the Cancer. After surgery, chemotherapy can be completed. If colon cancer begins to invade the peritoneum of the large intestine and invade the liver, lungs, bones or distal lymph nodes, complete surgical resection becomes impossible. At this time, you will receive general chemotherapy.

In the case of recurrent cancer, if the operation can be performed, the patient is actively treated by surgery In this case, a partial cure can be expected. Therefore, in all cases, colon cancer can be cured or prolonged, so it must be actively treated.

▲ Preventing colon cancer, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition can help prevent colon cancer. The most important factor in prevention is physical activity. Men who actively exercise are said to decrease the probability of developing colon cancer by 20% compared to those who do not exercise. In addition, the usual eating habits can improve the risk of developing colon cancer can be reduced. You should eat less fatty foods and eat a lot of cereals and vegetables rich in dietary fiber. Excessive consumption of meat, alcohol consumption and obesity have adverse effects on colorectal cancer. Among the meat, red meat and processed meat are known to increase the incidence of colorectal cancer. In case of excessive consumption of alcohol, it is known that the incidence of colorectal cancer is increased by 1.5 times compared to non-drinkers. Obesity, especially abdominal obesity, is known to increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

Because colorectal cancer has few symptoms at an early stage, it is very important to receive regular colonoscopy for early detection. It is very important to find colon polyps through periodic colonoscopy and find them early before colorectal cancer progresses. Adults aged 45 to 80 years are advised to have fecal occult blood test every 1 or 2 years, even if they are asymptomatic, and to undergo colonoscopy. If you have any suspicious symptoms of colon cancer, you should visit the hospital for a detailed diagnosis. Colorectal cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases, but it should be remembered that early diagnosis and treatment is one of the best prognoses.

Lee Jun – hee reporter · help ● Changwon Gyeongsang University Hospital Department of Internal Medicine Professor

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