"If you wrap your scalp everyday, you should pay attention to" scalp dermatitis & # 39;


Rashes, keratin and itching are caused by sebaceous and hormonal problems. In some cases, it may naturally improve over time, but symptoms may not go down and deteriorate after a long period of time.

If you have any of these symptoms on your scalp for a long time, you should suspect dermatitis to the scalp.


Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is characterized by increased inflammation and sebaceous secretion of purulent skin, resulting in increased scalp Can be divided into dry type with oily fat type and lack of ointment. water to increase the calyx of the scalp and dry scalp.

Keratitis of the scalp, rashes, itching Severe seborrheic dermatoses Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, which accompanies various symptoms of the scalp, may give the impression that it is not clean because the scalp and hair are easily fat.

According to the director, although the name of the disease is the same as the name of the disease, the symptoms and the cause of the disease are different because the environment, the constitution and the state of health of the patient are different.

Therefore, it is important that the treatment Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is to provide a treatment program tailored to the individual after finely grasping the individual characteristics of the patient.

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, accompanied by various symptoms of the scalp, can lead to scarring of the scalp, depression and seborrheic hair loss if the symptoms persist for a long time. You should be careful.

Various scalp symptoms, hair loss and hair health and hair loss growth is not good aesthetic appearance, as well as the psychological inactivation of the patient can lead to the depression, it is important to hurry to treat

I think seborrheic dermatitis occurs when the heat cycle is not done properly and immunity is decreased.

Repeated consumption habits, such as stress, food intake, alcohol consumption and lack of sleep can cause excessive heat in the body and reduce thermocyclic power and the immunity of the body. Excessive heat warms the scalp due to heat from the scalp due to the deterioration of thermoregulation beyond the physiological control range.

Herbal treatment for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is the main cause of hair loss, causing a variety of symptoms such as scalp rash, inflammation and keratin.

The director, Ji Yoo Jin, said, "Deep seborrheic dermatitis is badociated with lifestyle habits and is badociated with lifestyle habits. It is very likely that the symptoms will reappear without constant care, he advised, paying attention to his eating habits so as not to produce excessive heat and promote blood circulation through regular aerobic exercise. "[19659013] Lee Seung-han


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