"I'm afraid I will not be loved" The psychological state of Mark Long


The crystal of the place of the neck of the Bastille, a series of necklaces that have been appreciated for their intense language and their insight, is visible on the first and third Thursday of each month. [편집자말]

I went out in the afternoon on Sunday 11th when the cold rain wet the city all day. To see a movie. As soon as you arrive at metro line 1 near the house, announcements indicate that Concert, Champs-Élysées, Charles de Gaulle and Étienne N ° 1, which cross the city of Paris, were closed in commemoration of the end of World War I. These stations were closed from Friday night. On November 11, young Koreans celebrated the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War by gathering leaders from 72 countries on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, while celebrating Pepero Day and having fun with games simple.

Why should citizen participation be so tightly sealed as the day of commemoration of the end of the war, the celebration of peace that has finally arrived and the promise of peace in the future? What President Marc Long was trying to achieve at the top of the military leaders, Trump, Putin and Merkel?

Stuck streets, precious armies … "Peace" recited before them,

President Mark Long, who attended the 100th anniversary celebration of the end of the First World War on November 11th. Ⓒ Yonhap News / EPA

"Patriotism is the opposite of nationalism, nationalism is betrayal of patriotism … I know that the old ghost is reborn to complete chaos and death"

In his speech, Mark Long directly targeted Trump, who proclaimed himself a nationalist and, by comparison, he maximized himself as a devoted leader of pacifism.

"We all once again swear here that the commitment to place peace higher than all other world leaders confirms the enormous responsibility of telling children the world we dream of." We must defeat global warming climate, poverty, hunger, disease, inequalities and ignorance that threaten our planet. "

On today's speech, which seems to have gathered the nobles (?) Aspirations of humanity, <위마니떼>Wrote an article condemning the hypocrisy of the Marc Long government, which "supports the war, supports the dictator" and, at the same time, "demands peace". He appeared a moment before the triumphal gate. FEMEN The activists also wrote the phrase "Fake Peace Makers", revealing the fictions of leaders of nations who speak of peace.

Germany and France celebrated the fact that there had been no war in Europe for 70 years after the end of World War II. But they only fought in different ways. Since the opening of the neoliberal world, the gap between rich and poor has widened without any thought, and they have continued to fight in all parts of the world, not only in their own country, but in the backward arms .

At the same time, the summit of the world's largest arms exporter was meeting side by side to pray for peace. Only Merkel could have been less humiliated. He said he would not export weapons to Saudi Arabia last month until the truth about the badbadination of Saudi journalist Jamal Kashu was badbadinated.

One hundred years ago, when 10 million people fell under the muzzle and Germany finally reached the end of the war, the French invaded the streets and cheered and demanded peace. 100 years later, how many French people would hear the speech of Mark Long, who stood at a distance from the streets and recited "the epic of peace" in front of more than 70 other nations and armed troops?

Crash without limit

President Emmanuel Mark Long and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attended the ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War on 11 November.
Ⓒ Yonhap News / EPA

Just before, Mark Long called General Vishnu's government, General Pettah, a "great soldier" and sparked a mbadive scandal, saying he would include him in a ceremony in honor of eight generals playing during the First World War. Of course, no media could accept the president's remarks to pay tribute to Petan, who cooperated with six million Jews during the mbadacre.

Nationalize the companies that cooperated with the Nazis, close the cooperation media was inexpensive, and the head of the Nazi collaborator in the country that executed the 9,000 collaborators was Petan. Marrong's remark, which can not be accepted at all, provoked a violent storm. Even before the end of a day, the remarks were withdrawn, but angry public opinion did not stop.

Last summer, Mark Long was puzzled by the fact that his adviser, Alexandre Benalla, badaulted civilians at the rally. In the fall, three ministers, including the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of the Interior, said goodbye to him and left the cabinet for two months.

Environment Minister Nicolas Willow has accused Mark Long 's hypocritical attitude towards environmental policy by admitting that "I can not lie anymore". Even Gisquar Destin, the first neoliberal president in France, led Gordon's corps (92) to appear on the air and "to be angry that no one is resisting the current policy of rich more and more wealthy "Has been devoted to politics for the capitalist with his unique concentration.

Substantial tax cuts, job cuts in the public sector, tightening of the social sector budget … He realized his own dichotomous vision of the world as "nothing but people and people who have succeeded" like this. This is the case in politics. At the same time, I will do my best, in front of everyone, to talk about reducing inequality.

As a result, its approval rate fell to 21% in early November. The rumor about the Nazi soldier Petan was a fatal blow at the end of an uncomfortable trip. People have started asking me how is Mark Long 's spirit, and the question is this: <옵스>(l Obs) asked psychobadysts to diagnose his psychological state.

"He is wrong and we are wrong."

French workers protest against Mark Long October 9, 2018 Workers Protest Marc Long Government in Nice, France ⓒ Yonhap News / EPA

"He is afraid of not being loved, like all tempters, and he shows us his empathy." Recognizing Mark Long's political crisis is as difficult as experiencing natural disasters. But his fear is a fear of self-destruction, as in the case of Mark Long, when a person in such a situation is a national leader, this can be a serious problem. "(Ali Magaghi)

"Mark Long was fooled and deceived us, as he did not want the French to get banged on the king's neck, and fill the vacant seat of the king, it's like trying to woo his mission, which is a big mistake! Power is in everyone, and it does not belong to anyone, but its charismatic authority, which deceives itself, must be unstable … C & # Unexpectedly, despair is changing narcissism: it is a way of resolving the problem of sadness, sorrow and sorrow, in all honesty, by relying on the "capacity for despair", rather than being bluffed or denied reality and imprisoned in denial of reality.To come out of a psychodrama, one must criticize everything that needs to be criticized for its policy. "(Roland Ring)

In the mouth of psychobadysts, simple diagnosis and prescriptions flowed without hesitation. Maybe everyone already knows. The only one who wants the party to know.

On 12 December, French teachers went on strike to protest the government's decision to reduce the number of teachers. This is the only act that can be done when the president, who calls not to wish for peace, but to give children the world we dream of, will take teachers from children into real acts. So that the world can not go back.

On March 17th, there is a rally and a collective action called "BLOCAGE" in France. If the regime does not stop running in the wrong direction, it is the rule of the game called democracy that the people ride and build for a while. Democracy is a system that constantly suffocates citizens. With the centrifugal force that always seeks to be king, power returns and citizens must run with centripetal force.


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