Immunization rate of child domestics 97% … World class


2 ~ 9% higher than developed countries such as the United States, Australia, United Kingdom
Strengthening the Golomb and Non-Vaccine Management System …

[한스경제=홍성익 기자] The national vaccination rate is 96.9%, the highest in the world.

  National Immunization Schedule for Children / Provided = Headquarters for Disease Control
National Child Immunization Schedule / Provided = According to "National Child Abortion Rates for 2017", who badyzed the records vaccination records of 1.29 million children in the country, who were born in 2014 to 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

last year, the vaccination rate by age was 96.6% for 12 months (born in 2016), 94.1% for 24 months (born in 2015) and 90.4% for 36 months (born in 2014) [19659006] (BCG), hepatitis B (HepB), diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (DTaP), poliomyelitis (IPV) and type b Mofil The eight species are measles, mumps and rubella ( MMR), chicken pox (var), and nine species are the vaccine against Japanese encephalitis (JE) to eight species respectively.

Immunization rates were 94.9% to 98.1% at 12 months, 92.3% to 95.7% at 24 months, and 88.9% to 93.2% at age 36 months. In particular, the inoculation rate of the pneumococcal vaccine (PCV) announced this year is 96.8%, or more than 17% more than the 79.2% before national vaccination.

Provided = Headquarters of Disease Control

The vaccination rate of child domestics is 2 to 9% higher than that of large overseas countries.

The vaccine vaccination rate (average of 5 vaccines) was highest in Korea (96.9%), followed by Australia (95.1%), the United Kingdom (94.0%) and the United Kingdom (94.0%). %) and the United States (87.8%).

The director of Vaccines Administration for Public Nursing said: "In Korea, it is necessary for the government to provide information on individual messages to guardians, in order to confirm the inoculation of elementary and high school students. The high rate of immunization of children means that they have a high level of group immunity protection system to prevent the outbreak of group life. "In order to maintain a high rate of vaccination"

On the other hand, Jolbon provides free vaccinations for children under 12 years, and hospitals that can receive free vaccination are eligible to receive badistance from vaccination

Hong Sungik reporter [email protected]
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