Increased foot-and-mouth disease in children … "Hand washing is the best"


[Seoul-NewSea] Jae-hee Lim, a member of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, called for efforts to prevent infection and prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as hand washing, infection by the virus or enterovirus is characterized by fever and blisters of the mouth, ulcers and rashes of the hands and feet. It occurs in infants and young children, and increases in the spring and fires in the summer.

According to the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCHD), on May 20, 95 medical facilities participated in the survey, and the number of outpatient physicians per 1000 outpatients is 26 weeks. The last 28 weeks (July 24-30), followed by 16.2 people, 27 weeks (July 1-7), 24.9 people and 28 weeks (July 8-14). Preliminary data, 33, 6 people aged 0 to 6 and 5.3 people aged 7 to 18 were born in young age groups.

It is a disease that recovers most naturally after 7 ~ 10 days after the symptom, and it is possible to prevent infection by carefully observing personal hygiene such as washing of hands.

In some patients, myocarditis, neurogenic pulmonary edema and acute relaxant paralysis may occur in addition to central nervous system complications such as meningitis, cerebral ataxia, and encephalitis with fever, vomiting and paralysis.

Currently, there is no vaccine developed against diseases of the disabled, it is not recommended to use the vaccine.

As happens to infants and toddlers, careful attention should be paid to careful handling, such as washing hands, cleaning toys, etc. before and after taking care of children in kindergartens, etc.

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