Increased shingling processing costs, average cost per person 1.85 million yuan | IT / Science | Health


Shingles, Delayed Treatment

Early Treatment in Golden Time is Important
In the 1950s or Beyond, Specialist Consultation is Recommended

Shingles is a Disease in which Intensity pain is high and long-term hospitalization is necessary. Since the incidence is high in the 50s or more than in the 20 ~ 30 badets, the cost of treatment is very high.

The incidence of more than 50 years [60%]

The vaccine against shingles – vaginitis virus (VZV) is latent in the ganglion of the body When the immune system weakens due to overwork, stress, etc., it is caused by a reactivation. Skin lesions with band-shaped blisters appear, which can cause intense pain, such as a crawling insect sensation or a cold sensation. More than 9 out of 10 patients (96%) suffered from acute pain and 45% of them had pain every day.

Shingles is a high incidence in people of middle and advanced age. According to the Agency for Assessment and Evaluation of Medicare, more than 50% of the 693,139 patients with shingles in 2016 accounted for more than 60% of the total. The bad ratio of women was about 1.6 times higher than that of men.

Elderly patients can develop serious complications such as neuralgia, blindness, stroke, myocardial infarction and dementia. Cholelithiasis on the face may cause recurrent chronic ophthalmic disease, decreased visual acuity, and glaucoma that may result in vision loss. Post-herpetic neuralgia (NPH) persists for months or years after the disappearance of blisters. More than half of all PHN patients were over 60 years old.

Average medical expenditure of 1,851,000 won

According to a study conducted in Korea, the average number of days of hospitalization for patients with shingles was 8 days and the average medical expenditure per person was About 1.85 million won. The higher the age, the longer the hospital stay and the total medical costs. Patients 81 years of age and older had the highest hospitalization and medical expenses at 12.94 days, or about 2.824 million won.

The hour of shingles is 72 hours and when symptoms of shingles appear, the hospital is immediately called. It is good to receive early treatment. Prevention is also important. Shingles develops when the immune system weakens, so that immunity needs to be improved by regular health care. If you are over 50, you can find a specialist and ask for advice on shingle prevention. "Shingles is one of the heaviest diseases socially and economically, not only because of pain and complications, but also because of the huge cost of treatment," said Professor Moon Ji-yeon, anesthetist at Seoul National University Hospital. It is best to have a consultation with a specialist for prevention. "

Jeon Ye Jin reporter [email protected]

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