Indonesia invites Kim Jong-un to the Opening Ceremony of the Asian Games in August


[Seoul = NewSea] Munhyeongseong reporter = Kim Jong-un invited the North Korean chief of state to the opening ceremony of the Asian Games in Jakarta, Palembang in 2018,

On the 31st, the tempo local media of Indonesia, Puyan Maharani, visited the presidential chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly of Kim Jong-nam, and handed a letter of invitation to the opening ceremony of Mr.

Maharani reportedly discussed bilateral cooperation and regional issues with President Kim Young-nam.

Sharp Ruddin, head of the Indonesian police, who traveled with Maharani, is committed to ensuring the safety of all heads of state and delegations present at the opening ceremony from ASEAN, including Kim.

On the 16th, the South China Morning Post of Hong Kong (SCMP) reported that President Zocosto had sent an official invitation to President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Eun on March 13th.

Foreign Minister RETNOMAR SUDI, who visited Korea on 27 October as the special envoy of President Choko Lato, formally issued the presidential statement inviting President Moon Jae-in to the opening ceremony of the Asian Games. At that time, President Moon has not been confirmed, but it is reported that he plans to attend or not.

The 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games will run for 16 days from August 18 to September 2, and 11,300 athletes from 45 Asian countries will compete in the Games to win gold medals in 40 events.

South and North Korean athletes decided to form a single team in three events, including canoeing, meditation and women's basketball, at the opening ceremony of the Asian Games. [email protected]

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