Insulin Pump Improves Function of Pancreatic Beta Cells – Kookmin Ilbo


A study found that insulin pumps help improve pancreatic beta cell function and insulin sensitivity.

Professor Emeritus Professor Choi, Su-bong of Konkuk University, and Professor Hong Eun- The study found that the use of insulin pumps in diabetic patients could alter the function of beta cells and sensitivity to insulin, the study found. The findings were presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, May 22-26.

64%, slightly more than women. The average age was 59.9 years and the average diabetes history was 12 years old. Their HbA1c levels were averaged at 8.9%.

Their HbA1c level decreased to an average of 6.5% after the use of insulin pumps. There was no significant difference between the insulin sensitivity group and the resistant group. In the insulin-sensitive group, the mean serum concentration of C-peptide increased significantly during insulin pump therapy, while the insulin resistance group showed no significant change.

The researchers found that the open-artificial pancreatic APS system was evaluated and evaluated for 20 months in twelve patients with a mean age of 12 years.

The badysis of the distribution of blood glucose before and after the use of open APS revealed that the average 6.8% to 6.3% on average, and the time required to maintain normal blood glucose (80-180 mg / dl) was increased.

The artificial pancreas is a continuous glucometer (CGM) that continuously measures blood glucose and the amount of insulin injected (F, b, e, v, n, t, s), which consists of a artificial intelligence algorithm, an insulin pump,
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