Is my body moldy? Beware of fungal diseases in summer!


Fungal disease is a major cause of various diseases such as athlete's fingernail, stomatitis, asthma and so on.

The dry rains lasted many years until last year This summer, there was a lot of rain and sales of dehumidifiers increased by 982% in June. Many people are already preparing for the dreaded humidity control rather than the rainy season.

In the rainy season, due to the high temperature and high humidity due to a lot of rain, it is a suitable environment where various fungi and germs reproduce. Mushroom, which is particularly troubling in the rainy season, causes not only things and food, but also diseases that occur in our bodies. Therefore, it is important to clean the domestic environment and take care of personal hygiene.It is advisable to prevent in advance the disease caused by a fungus and to treat it actively s & # 39; 39, it has already been taken.

Representative of fungal disease of the foot body of the athlete …

If you have regular treatment every day

Patients with athlete's foot d & rdquo; nail suffer from the summer.

A fungal athlete's foot, such as "pyeon-gyun", directly invades the nail, causing the fungus to penetrate into the fingernail. It is a typical summer disease caused by parasitism. In particular, 70% of the causal organisms of the athlete's foot disease nail are highly adaptable to the environment and highly infectious, and it is important to actively treat them with professional treatment clinically proven early foot of the athlete. Athlete's foot athlete's foot can not only cause external problems but also cause dysfunction of the claw itself, and can even spread to other parts of the body .

In Korea, Menarini Nu Full Care has been used as a treatment for various diseases such as cervical cancer, osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, C & D. Is a special treatment for the athlete 's nail foot that has proven to improve the foot of the athlete' s nail so that 's. no athlete's foot was detected in 77% of cases.

Nails usually last for up to six months, claws last up to nine months and claws up to nine months. It takes ~ 12 months, but it is only possible to cure it if it is treated steadily. Thus, FullCare helps patients with athlete's foot to maintain regular treatment through the "Full Day Care" alarm function and a 1: 1 consultation with a specialist.

Annoying stomatitis in summer …

Stomatitis is a disease that ignites around the oral mucosa and the mouth because of infections such as fungi, bacteria and viruses.

It is commonly said that a "disease" has occurred, but it usually occurs inside the tongue, gums, lips and balls. Irritable meals, stress and fatigue caused by the weakening of the immune system in many cases.

According to the Korea Health Insurance Corporation, patients with oral mucositis increase by 4.5% per year. Stomatitis is not a dangerous disease, but it causes inflammation of the mouth, so that it can cause pain and bad breath by touching the inflamed area when eating or speaking [19659014StomatitisalsocausesoralulcersandmajororgansItmaybeasymptomofthediseaseanditisgoodtostarttreatmentatanearlystageThereareavarietyofstomatitismedicationsavailableonthemarketsuchasOraMedinaatypicalstomatitistreatmentdrugandAlbobillwhichprimarilytreatsinfectiousstomatitiswithpotentsterilization

In case of persistent stomatitis and multiple stomatitis, it is important to identify the root cause of abnormal immune system and normalize the immune system so as not to infect bacteria such as fungi .

Fungus mushroom in the r …

Allergic rhinitis, asthma and other causes of respiratory diseases

In the wet and hot rainy season, various mushrooms and bacteria can easily grow. In particular, when the humidity exceeds 70%, it causes the growth of fungi and mites, and causes a cough, a runny nose and an increase in the number of respiratory diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Mold is a microscopic filiform microorganism that grows in a humid, dark environment. There are about 72,000 known mussels to date. Spores that spread in the air can be a threat to respiratory diseases when fungi reproduce. In particular, it is necessary to pay more attention to diabetic patients and organ transplant recipients who are able to induce residual disease by stimulating the bronchial tree of the body. a child and have a weakened immune system.

If you have asthma, it is best to inhale a bronchodilator or corticosteroids with the inhaler at least once in the morning and evening.

Also, you can check where the humidity is usually in your house and check it from time to time to prevent mold in advance. In particular, around windows, on the wall, under the floor, in bathroom tiles, etc., it is easy to produce moisture and spread moisture, for example in turning on the air conditioner and the boiler.

About Comprehensive Care ® (Fulcare ® )

Korean Nailaca Complete Care Menarini is the first Korean athlete's foot to sell since its launch in 2013. 1 FullCare Multinational Patented Technology Only 2 It is easy to use once a day without the need to grind or wipe it.

FullCare 3 Fulcare is an effective treatment for athlete's foot nail fungus, which has proven effective only through clinical results. Easy Since using a brush, rubbing the solution at the site of the disease increased the ease of nail fungal disease that requires long-term treatment. Full Care Nailaca is now sold in pharmacies

About Menarini in Korea

Korea Menarini is a Korean company of the Italian pharmaceutical multinational Menarini Group It was officially launched in March 2013. Menarini Korea is a sector essential activity for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, male health, special tumors / diseases, allergic / respiratory diseases, skin diseases and health-related consumer products. The main products of Korea Menarini are: Full Care ® Nailaca, the first oral treatment of premature ejaculation "Frillage", beta-blocker circulatory "Neviret & # 39; 39; ACE blocker 'Joe Phenyl 1. IMS Sales Audit, Antifungal dermatological market before Q4 2015 MAT

2. [PatentN°2003-0036637

3. R Baren, A Tosti, An Innovative Water-Soluble Biopolymer Improves the Efficacy of Ciclopirox Nail Polish in Onychomycosis, JEADV 2009, 23, 773-781

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