Is there an effective law on marital relations that makes pregnancy difficult? | News / Column | Health stories


Let's discover the pregnancy law with high pregnancy rates for diabetic patients.

A couple holding a pregnant belly

1. Check the date of ovulation

Ovulation can be accomplished using an ultrasound, an ovulation kit, ovulatory mucus or basal body temperature. Usually, the probability of getting pregnant in a month
20 ~ 25%, depending on the day of ovulation, the probability of pregnancy is about 30%. Ultrasound, which has a relatively high probability,
It is not possible to match exactly, so it is best to have about 2 to 3 weddings before and after the day of ovulation.

2. The richest days of mucus are the most pregnant

On the third day before ovulation, the pregnancy rate was the highest of the day when ovulation mucus was more abundant than the day of ovulation, reported the ## 147 ##. American research team. Recently
The Pregnancy Law of the Nafuro Natural Pregnancy Society begins with the observation of ovulation mucus during treatment. Listen to the sound of your body. L & # 39; ovulation
With time, the mucus becomes more natural and the landscape opens. Observe the mucus after urination. Week after menstruation
It may be that day if you have a clear and transparent cyanide in the front and on the back. In addition, at that time, baduality also increases, so that the woman's body is already ready to adapt to the child.
It's a crush.

3. Apart from ovulation, we often have a couple

According to a study published in 2015, the number of cells that protect against the invasion of human pathogens has increased in abandoned women.
The number of cells that did not attack sperm and embryos after ovulation was high. In other words, if you often have a relationship, the immune status of your body is conducive to pregnancy.
It changes.

4. Have a more enjoyable relationship

When you treat your disabled child, you can become a mandatory spousal relationship during pregnancy. However, the bads you feel when you are in a happy relationship are mucus
Rewarding. It increases the uterine permeability of sperm. It also improves the contraction of the uterus and increases sperm activity.

5. Take a moment to rest during the concept phase

After the correction, the implant is placed about a week later. If you had multiple relationships during this imaginary period,
40% had a low pregnancy rate. If you had a conjugal relationship at the time of ovulation, you should be careful a little after 5 to 9 days.

I have learned the existence of an effective law on marital relations during pregnancy. When I look at him gently, he is natural and happy to listen to my body.
It is the most effective law on marital relations.

Written by HyunDak Medical Representative, Kim Mi Sun (Oriental Medicine)

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