"It is not yet decided when President Pyongyang will visit Pyongyang."


[Reporter] Kim Tae-gyu's journalist denied reports that President Moon Jae-in visited Pyongyang in late August and Kim Jong-un could hold an inter-Korean summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-

The media reported that the third meeting of the Panmunjom Declaration Implementation Committee was held in Pyongyang, North Korea and South Korea, the day before, and that it was held to prepare the summit.

At the end of Pyongmoon's April 27 statement, the phrase "President Moon Jae-in decided to visit Pyongyang this fall" is explicitly stated as "

Moon's visit is thought to be in Pyongyang in September is in September, because there is no concrete time for the expression of autumn, but generally recognizes that it is the beginning of autumn to from September

] In September, there are observations that it might be difficult to schedule an inter-Korean summit, such as the Eastern Economic Forum (11-13 September) scheduled for Vladivostok in Russia and the United Nations General Assembly scheduled in New York on September 18

In some cases, however, it is the 7th of next month, when the fall is announced on the 7th of next month so even if President Moon visits Pyongyang after that,
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