Journal of Jeonbuk Central


In the honor of Dr. Bloomberg, who discovered the hepatitis B virus in 2010, the World Health Organization designated its birthday, July 28, as the '' World Day of Hepatitis ".

According to hepatitis and hepatitis C, 240 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis B and 150 million by hepatitis C.

B L & # 39 Hepatitis C and hepatitis C develop as deadly liver diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer when they are not properly treated.

According to the study, 74.2% of Korean hepatoma was chronic hepatitis B, 8.6%

The hepatitis viruses are divided into types A, B, C, D and E. They cause acute and chronic hepatitis and, in severe cases, hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver. It can be developed.

The most targeted hepatitis is A, B and C.

For liver health, it is important to know exactly hepatitis and to vaccinate and check it regularly.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A

According to government statistics, hepatitis A occurred in 2009 with 15,000 cases and was designated as the first infectious disease in 2010; Next year

When the hepatitis A virus enters the body, the symptoms occur after an average of about 4 weeks of incubation.

In the beginning, the fever resembles fever, fatigue or muscle pain, the appetite deteriorates

After that, the color of the urine becomes like a cola and the Yellowish hail appears on the white of the eye.

Most People with Hepatitis A Become Acute Hepatitis

In addition to personal hygiene, prevention through vaccination is the most effective method of controlling the disease

To prevent hepatitis A,

Be careful not to eat raw food and be careful not to eat foods that are bad.

The hepatitis A virus is a type of virus that has a temperature of 85 ° C

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is the most common hepatitis in Korea , and the total population Among the patients are currently infected, of which about 440,000 have been chronic due to persistent inflammation for more than 6 months.

In children, B

Hepatitis B is a major cause of chronic hepatitis.

Currently, infection with the hepatitis B virus can be prevented by administering immunoglobulins to a baby born to a mother with chronic hepatitis B


Immunization targets are all infants and adults who do not possess antibodies or antigens of hepatitis B.

In particular, families of hepatitis B carriers, blood transfusions

] Misunderstandings about the hepatitis B virus

The virus is infected with blood and it is very dangerous to be exposed to blood.

Vertical infections between mothers and newborns, badual transmission, transfusion, exposure of damaged skin or mucous membranes to virus-infected blood

However, there are still many unknowns about the hepatitis B pathway.

The hepatitis B virus is detected in the blood, sperm, saliva, badl secretions of hepatitis carriers,

by therefore, do not share razors, nail clippers, toothbrushes, etc. to avoid exposure to contaminated blood and do not use needles and needles already in use.

It is not always possible for a spouse living with a patient with hepatitis B to live all his life

Therefore, it is not necessary to take a treatment Special for hepatitis carriers in the workplace or at school. In addition, if the contact persons are already immunized with the hepatitis antibody, there is no need to worry anymore.

It is known that unless you have a sore in the mouth and that you take a large amount of virus, you do not transmit it orally.

It is also not necessary to limit or isolate special activities for carriers of hepatitis B whose liver function has returned to normal.

It is advisable to manage weight through proper exercises to prevent other diseases such as fatty liver due to obesity and so on.

Hepatitis C [19659011] Hepatitis C does not increase hepatic index, but progressively makes the liver hard, so it is almost asymptomatic. [19659002] Early treatment of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma complicated with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, even if it is a disease with high cure rate , but in case of liver cancer or liver cancer, 19659002] Hepatitis C is caused by the virus as well as by hepatitis B. After the acute infection, it does not recover well: once infected, 70 to 80% of them progress to chronic hepatitis, 30 to 40%

It is known that about 10% to 15% of all patients with Chronic liver disease, including hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer, are caused by the hepatitis C virus.

Usually, the blood test of the hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is done in three stages: if infection with hepatitis C is confirmed by the first and second step,

The reason that the genotypes are so complicated e st that the drugs are different according to the genotypes and the periods are different.

Hepatitis C is caused by the blood or body fluids of the person infected with the virus

Thus, normal skin without wound is infected with blood infected with the hepatitis virus C, it is not transmitted by a handshake, a hug, a light kiss or the like.

Source: Jeonbuk Branch of the Korean Health Care Association [1965B]

/ President of the Korea Health Promotion Association Choi, Young-Dee

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