Kim Hyo-jin – Asai Berry, Focused on Efficiency … "Antioxidant Function – Anti-inflammatory Effect – Cholesterol Control"


[김효진 기자]

According to the Power Food Superfood, the Acai berry (Euterpe Oleracea) is a palm fruit grown near the Amazon rain forest in northern Brazil

This palm is clbadified as a special palm among some 2,500 species of palm trees inhabiting the whole world.

Asai Berry is so famous that the Aborigines of Brazil call it the tree of life.

A round Asai berry has seeds like a delicious juice and pearls.

The taste is a combination of strawberry and chocolate, and the taste is unique.

It is also good to see visually because it is purple.

The Amazon Basin is called the Botanical Garden of the Earth, home to more than 100,000 of the world's 300,000 tallest plants and contains more than 4,600 herbaceous plants.

  Power Food Superfood
Power Food Superfood

Over the last century, aboriginal peoples of the Amazon have used Asaibery as a folk remedy to treat a variety of diseases.

Nicholas "In the Oprah Winfrey special show in the United States, Pericone said," Asai Berry is one of the most nutritious foods in the world with superb nutrition. "

Asai Berry is also known as the Fountain of Youth, Lipid 3 times, Carbohydrate 7 times, Iron 118 times, Vitamin B1 9 times, Vitamin C 8 times

Asai Berry has been praised for hundreds years ago as a source of energy to save hunger after floods inhabited by indigenous peoples in Brazil

Asai Berry also contains abundant antioxidants and essential nutrients.

Contains polyphenol, anthocyanin, phytosterol, alpha tocopherol, trace elements, fibers, proteins, glucosamine, seladrine, quinic acid, serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.

C · E · K, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids make the skin young and healthy, and considerably slow down skin aging.

Asai Berry also contains omega-6 fatty acids. 3 that increase the health of skin and protein levels.

Vitamin C · E, calcium and potbadium are also included to relieve dysmenorrhea and help overcome menopausal disorders

60% of the oleic acid (omega-9) content is a fatty acid monounsaturated essential. Cholesterol levels (HDL) that are beneficial to the body, while lowering low density (LDL) cholesterol levels that are harmful to the body.

12% linolenic acid (omega-6) is also an unsaturated essential fatty acid, which is known to lower LDL levels and maintain HDL levels.

The "Neutraceutical" "The antioxidant activity of antioxidants is 33 times greater than that of red wine, and the antioxidant activity of antioxidants is 7.7 times higher than that of blueberries," says the current number.

Asai Berry A large amount of anthocyanin is an excellent anti-inflammatory drug, which is 10 times stronger than aspirin.

In addition, anthocyanin is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, helps relieve eye fatigue, improves vision and helps restore retinitis.

In the human body, there is active oxygen that causes aging and damage.

Active oxygen is a toxic substance that is released as a byproduct when the body consumes energy and rustles our body as it rustles the body.

However, polyphenolic substances such as tannin, anthocyanin, catechin, epicatechin and quercetin act as antioxidants.

The polyphenol ingredient, especially, works well on the cardiovascular system and has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease by inhibiting the oxidation of cholesterol, a cause of death. arteriosclerosis.

Polyphenols are also effective against viruses, creating a strong body, such as the cold virus.

Polyphenols in Asai berries are found mainly in shells and seeds.

In addition, the fibers contained in Asai berries help digestive function and are good for diabetics.

In addition, Asai Berry contains a large amount of glucosamine and cerdrine, which contributes to cartilage health.

Scientists say freeze-drying is essential for the nutritional conservation of Asai Bay.

The freeze-dried Asai berry powder contains only about 7 times more nutrients than the fruit of Asai Berry, which is the moisture removed from the fruit itself.

Asai Berry has been known for centuries for the Brazilian aboriginal warriors C & # 39; was an aphrodisiac and I ate it as a tonic.

Asai Berry is also known as the Viagra of the Amazon because of its dramatic increase in badual abilities.

Prominent American professors studying the effectiveness of Asai Berry have published a number of studies, including Dr. Lee Jun Nam Naturalist doctors particularly point out that the Brazilian Asaiberi is more nutritious than any other fruit on earth.

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