Kim Jong-sook attends the inauguration ceremony of Hwangwu Park, India …


Kim Jong-sook, wife of President Moon Jae-in, visiting India, was carrying an ancient Gaya and a monument to the Hwangwang-ha that symbolized the history of India on June 6 (local time) .

Kim, who moved to Uttar Pradesh (UP) after finishing her visit to New Delhi the day before, attended the inauguration ceremony of Hwangwangho Memorial Park that day in Ayodya town.

It is said that he came to Gaya as the princess of Ayodya, India, with the divine revelation of having married Kim Soo-ro 2,000 years ago. It symbolizes the deep historical ties between India and Korea.

The Indian government has invited a delegation from the Korean government as a major expat at the commemoration ceremony of the new memorial park, and Mr Moon, interested in restoring Kaya, has decided to surrender to Ms. Kim.

Korea and India have decided to jointly build the Hwangwang Memorial Park in Ayodya in order to reconsider the long-standing relations between the two countries.

The park includes two main buildings, a memorial for the King and Queen and a bridge connecting them. When you enter the main entrance, you cross a building that symbolizes the road and symbolic of Hadawi. Cheong Wa Dae explained that it was created to cross the bridge, imagining the 4,500-kilometer sea route crossing the 2,000-year-old road.

On the day of the ceremony, Mr. Kim, Minister of Culture and Sports, Minister of Culture and Sports, Minister Shin Bong-Kil, Ambbadador Shin Jae-hyun, Minister of Foreign Affairs,

The Indian side was accompanied by Prime Minister Yogyaku UP, Joshua UP Minister of Tourism and Indian Ambbadador Ranganna Nathan.

Kim entered the memorial park with the reception of representatives of the descendants of Ayodya and local officials who were buried on both sides of the 30-meter red carpet. He received the explanation from Ambbadador Shin Bong-gil and wore a monument with a circular bouquet of chrysanthemums with a diameter of 1 m.

Then she watched the traditional representations of Korea and India and made a sign with Seo Hwan Hwan.

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