Kim Jung Eun sends a "gift" to employees of the Sinuiju cosmetics factory … What is the present?


  The North Korea Central News Agency reported that Kim Jong-eun, the chairman of the commission, and Ms. Lee Sook-ju were running the Shinuiju cosmetics factory. The Shinuiju Cosmetics Factory was the first cosmetics production plant in North Korea established in 1949. It is the largest cosmetics factory in North Korea and it is known to produce branded products. called "spring fragrance". [노동신문]

The North Korea Central News Agency reported that Kim Jong-eun, chairman of the committee and Ms. Lee Sook-joo, located the Shinuiju cosmetics factory. The Shinuiju Cosmetics Factory was the first cosmetics production plant in North Korea established in 1949. It is the largest cosmetics factory in North Korea and it is known to produce branded products. called "spring fragrance". [노동신문]

Kim Jong-a, who recently visited the Shinjuju cosmetics factory and showed great interest in the production of cosmetics, said the chairman of the North Korean State Committee sent gifts to the employees of the factory.

On April 4, the labor newspaper published its first article on the front page: "Kim Jong-eun, chairman of the commission, sent gifts to employees of the Shindo-gun and Shinuiju cosmetics factories." Gifts are "cultural property" and a ceremony will be held on the 1st or 2nd day.

President Kim said: "I hope to contribute to the improvement of people's lives by making a dramatic transition in the production of cosmetics."

On the same day, Kim visited Shindo County and Shinuiju County production sites in North Pyongan Province and showed her satisfaction or encouraged the site by looking at Shindo County and Sinuiju Cosmetics Factories, Shinuiju Textile Factory. and Shinuiju In the chemical fiber factory, the production situation was difficult.

  Kim Jong-un inspects Sinuiju's chemical fiber factories that produce fibers and paper

Kim Jong-un inspects Shinuiju's chemical fiber factories that produce fibers and paper, I do not understand the excuse ", he said reproachfully, reported Chosun Central TV on February 2. [노동신문]

On this day, the labor newspaper did not mention Shinuiju Textile Factory and Shinuiju Chemical Textile Factory, while introducing the delivery of gifts.Instead, the Shinuiju cosmetics factory has praised him as "very satisfied with the satisfaction."

Jung Eun-hee reporter [email protected]

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