"Koreans who are good about diabetes, the size of the pancreas –


Professor Min Seung Lim of the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
[의학신문·일간보사=정윤식 기자] Koreans consume less food and less obesity than Westerners, but the size of the pancreas is so small that secretion insulin pancreas is weak and well-known diabetes.

This is the first identification of the cause of diabetes in Korea, and it is likely that this result will serve as a basis for the preparation of countermeasures to reduce the incidence of diabetes.

In addition, Koreans are different from Westerners,

Professor Lim, MD, professor of endocrinology and internal medicine, Seoul Bundang National Hospital, reported that pancreatic size and secretory function Insulin levels were similar in Korean and Western populations of similar size and age.

This study compares the pancreatic volume (volume) and pancreatic fat content of Koreans and Westerners with the aid of a state-of-the-art computed tomography system, in which 43 Koreans and Westerners

The purpose of the present study was to badyze insulin secretion and pancreatic function in pancreatic beta cells to determine the relationship between pancreas size and fat content and capacity. of insulin secretion

Fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels were not different between the two groups, and there was no significant difference between the groups in total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. On the other hand, comparing the pancreas volume, the size of the pancreas was 12.3% smaller in Koreans than in Westerners, and the amount of fat deposited in the pancreas was 22.8% greater than that of the Westerners. In the important function of the pancreas, the insulin secretion capacity of the Korean people was 36.5% lower than that of the Westerner who had a relatively large pancreas size.

In the end, the researchers point out that even though they have a shape similar to that of the West, the absolute size of the Korean pancreas is low and the insulin secretion in the pancreas is reduced, which the makes it vulnerable to the development of diabetes.

In fact, rheumatoid arthritis is mainly caused by two mechanisms: insulin resistance and insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells production.

Here, beta cell function is impaired by damage to the pancreas, insulin secretion is not properly reported, beta cells in the pancreas are contained in a group of cells called sodo.

For this reason, the larger the total size of the pancreas, the greater the number of sodas is important, and therefore the ability to secrete insulin through beta cells.

It is also known that when the fat contained in the pancreas is large, the inflammatory cytokines and the vasoactive substances secreted by the adipocytes reduce the beta cells and cause pancreatic dysfunction.

As a result, the size of the pancreas is smaller than that of Westerners in the same body, resulting in a decrease in the insulin secretion capacity of the pancreas.In addition, the fat contained in the pancreas worsens still the function of the pancreas,.

Professor Imsoo Lee of Iwate said: "The accuracy and objective measurement of the volume of the pancreas using advanced computerized tomography, the comparison of Koreans and Westerners, and the precise measurement of Pancreatic function, C is significant. "

Professor Im said:" Given the fact that 10% of Koreans aged 20 or older (about 4 million) have diabetes, the number of patients Korean diabetics

Meanwhile, the world's first pancreatic size and function of Koreans and Westerners, comparing the function of diabetes mellitus in the Asian population, Diabetes, obesity and metabolism "recently published in" Diabetes , obesity and metabolism. "

Reporter of Jung Yoon-sik [email protected]

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