KOTRA, Tanzania Dare Salem Korea West – Tanzania Business Forum held


KOTRA (President, Kwon Jeong-oh) announced on August 24 that he was holding the Korea-Tanzania Business Forum and the Business Partnership Consultation with the Prime Minister of the two countries present in Dare Salem, Tanzania.

  KOTRA Tanzania Dare Salem attended the Korea-Tanzania Business Forum and the Consultation on Trade Partnership with the Prime Minister of the two countries present. (Photo: KOTRA)

The forum was organized by KOTRA in partnership with the Tanzania Investment Center and the Tanzania Federation of Businessmen Organizations (TPSF). Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon, Prime Minister Kashim Mahalli and Tanzanian Prime Minister attended the ceremony.

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon said: "In order to strengthen economic cooperation with Tanzania, which is posting rapid economic growth of 7% per annum,

At the Korea-Tanzania Trade Partnership Conference, 12 Korean companies participated in 60 projects in Tanzania, including 90 buyers and 90 B2G companies), and B2B consulting

The Tanzanian government has welcomed the Korean business movement and called for more active investments in Africa and Tanzania

Yoon Won-suk, Head of KOTRA's Economic and Trade Cooperation Department, said: "TRC (Tanzania Railway Corporation) and TANROADS (Tanzania Road Construction Agency) It is very important for us to solve various problems and difficulties that are difficult to solve individually when our company enters the market through economic diplomacy with government institutions es, private and related. I will actively support monitoring, for example by supporting business follow-up meetings. "

Jung Eun Park reporter [email protected]

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