Kwon Gyun Gyeong, UN Secretary-General, "Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund is not Negotiable": An International Newspaper


The Unification Minister, Ungwon Gyun-gyeong, said: "It is for the bargaining power" that some projects of the inter-Korean cooperation fund reaching 1 trillion won will not be disclosed. At a closing meeting of the budget of the Special Committee on the Budget of the National Assembly on June 9, Minister Cho said: "There has never been a public disclosure of the fund. inter-Korean cooperation since 2000 ". "" When asked if the trading strategy had been disrupted by the organization of this fund at the last inter-Korean summit, "said Cho," while the amount of money reported by South Korean media in North Korea was presented, "he said.

Concerns were expressed about the possibility of using the "Cypriot" budget of the South-North Cooperation Fund as a pile of money. The government closed 417.2 billion won (38 percent) of the next year's 1,977 billion won. Connection and modernization projects for north-south railways and railways, forestry cooperation, etc.

The minister also talked about the inter-Korean economic cooperation budget. Cho said: "The concrete amount is hard to mention because there are discussions with the North," he said. "Not all public funds are involved, but many private and international investments are being considered, and experts at home and abroad believe that the benefits of input costs are much greater. "

Cho is also optimistic about the economic effects of inter-Korean cooperation projects over the last 30 years. "We are planning 170,000 billion won for the South and 250 billion for the North through seven projects over 30 years," said Mr. Cho. Kim Hae-jung

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