Kyunghee University "Awesome massage effect for atopic patients" | Computer Science


As a result, patients with atopic dermatitis have no undesirable side effects.

Kim, Hyung-min, professor of pharmacology in Oriental Medicine at the Department of Oriental Medicine of Kyunghee University, announced on March 30 that the results of the effectiveness of mbadage therapy in patients with atopic dermatitis have was published in the May issue of the international thesis "Therapy by Dermatology".

Professor Kim used the pain reliever, a mbadage device to treat muscle pain and inflammation. Therapeutic mbadages have been applied to model animals with pseudo-atopic dermatitis as an inflammatory substance of the skin. 1 minute, 2 minutes, 4 minutes divided in time to mbadage the skin lesions.

Research has shown that mbadage therapy relieves erythema, hemorrhage and erosion of pseudo-atopic dermatitis lesions, reducing the thickness of the epidermis and preventing it from getting worse. accumulation of inflammatory cells. In addition, patients with atopic dermatitis to relieve the most painful itching, remove scratches.

Mbadage therapy reduced blood levels of histamine and IgE, IL-6 and IL-4 related to inflammation in the blood vessels and caused itching. In lesions, mRNAs that make cells that activate inflammatory cells such as TSLP, TNF-and TARC / CCL17 also decreased.

A two-minute to four-minute mbadage therapy has been shown to be effective in relieving symptoms. Professor Kim Hyungmin said, "I concluded that mbadage therapy is effective only when it suits the condition of the patient's skin, rather than unconditionally."

There is currently no cure available to treat atopic dermatitis. Drug treatment is effective against atopic dermatitis, but has the disadvantage of taking side effects if taken over a long period. Professor Kim said: "Medications can develop resistance or unwanted reactions, but mbadage therapy can be continued without side effects." "It will be an effective adjunctive therapy for patients with atopic dermatitis."

Yoo Kyu reporter [email protected]

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