Lao-Laos to promote exchanges and cooperation in the health sector – Young doctor


The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs announced that Minister of Health Park Min Joo discussed with Laos Health Minister Bounkong Syhavong, who visited the Jonguk Welfare Fellowship Program to expand cooperation bilaterally in the field of health care. The program is a medium and long-term training program (2 to 12 months) for health and medical personnel in developing countries, promoted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Health Foundation. since 2007. To date, 739 physicians,

Laos has a long-standing cooperative relationship with South Korea, beginning with the Jong-Wook Fellowship program and the Ministry of Health and Welfare project. to be (25.7 billion won in 2010-2021). In particular, the areas of northeastern Laos (Hua Pan and Xiang Qiang) were low levels of maternal health in Laos, but the official development badistance of KOFIH

Based on this achievement, the Ministry of Health and Welfare and KOFIH will promote various cooperation projects with Laos and will strengthen this year the management system of medical equipment management covering all regions of Laos (2018 ~

From 2019 , KOFIH will be involved in the construction of the first National Medical Hospital in Laos (to support the Fund for Economic Cooperation Abroad) as early as the design of the hospital, before and after the hospital operation [19659003] In addition, in accordance with the characteristics of Laos faced with borders with five countries (China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia), it plans to establish a system of diagnosis and quarantine diseases infectie uses

Minister Yoon-Soo Park said, "The government plans to share the experiences and know-how of infectious disease management in Korea in 10 of the 10 ASEAN countries, including Laos. "The Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Health of Laos will continue to work closely together to achieve visible results from their cooperation projects."

Kwak, reporter Seong-sun kss @ docdocdoc .com

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