Leading a Functional Tournament System and Training Know-How in Developing Countries


The Ministry of Employment and Labor will send the system and know-how to functional tournaments to developing countries.

The Ministry of Employment and Labor will organize training for the construction of functional tournament systems in five developing countries

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Target Countries Costa Rica, Colombia, Namibia, Zambia and Mongolia.

This program is a program that aims to improve the competitiveness of the employment of developing countries (ODA), which is promoted by the Ministry of Employment as Official Development Assistance (ODA). (APD) Labor Development Cooperation Project. "

Kim Dae-hwan, director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, said:" Through the transfer of the tournament system Korean-style functional, This will be the opportunity to bring genuine change that will elevate the paradigm of human resource development. "

Reporter Han Bong-kyun, Ministry of Industrial Policy, Sejong [email protected]

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