Liver cancer, the simplest prevention method "blood" ultrasound examination "


Hepatitis C with about 12% of domestic liver cancer
July 28 WHO Designates "World Hepatitis Day"

[한스경제=홍성익 기자] Each year, July 28 is World Hepatitis Day, designated by the World Health Organization (WHO). There are a total of 5 viruses that cause hepatitis. Alphabets A to E have been named in order, with hepatitis A, B and C representing more than 95% of the national population. In particular, the prevention of hepatitis B and C viruses is an important cause of chronic hepatitis.

  Professor Shim Jae Joon / Fourni = Kyung Hee Medical Center
Professor Shim Jae Jun / Supplied = Kyung Hee Medical Center [19659005] ◇ twice a year, can be prevented by a blood test, an ultrasound of the liver [19659005] Hepatitis B is infected by one in 25 adults over 40 years old in Korea. Hepatitis B is transmitted mainly by the mother at birth.

Hepatitis B can be easily diagnosed by blood tests, since the immune system is infected at the time of birth, when the immune system is not developed. "The hepatitis B virus quickly increases the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer from age 40," said Professor Shim Jae Jun, a professor at Kyunghee University Hospital. "Even inactive hepatitis B, at age 40," he said.

◇ Hepatitis C, about 12% of domestic liver cancer

Hepatitis C is different from the vaccine against hepatitis B, as well as vaccines, as well as In the absence of globulin, prevention is the most important. About 200,000 people in Korea are infected, and about 50 to 60% of them are chronic. Hepatitis C is transmitted primarily through blood and body fluids.

Typical high-risk groups are those who received blood transfusions prior to 1990 and those who received blood transfusions prior to 1990 △ Intravenous drug use △ Hemodialysis patient △ Patient with HIV haemophilia (HIV-1 syndrome) Acquired immunodeficiency) infected △ Hepatitis C virus Person who has had bad with a patient or who has been stabbed with blood. They should be tested for antibodies once they show no symptoms. Hepatitis C is predominant in the elderly, and the average age is about 10 years longer than that of hepatitis B, so liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma develops well between 60 and 60 years of age. and 70.

Acute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis

Hepatitis by hepatitis is divided into acute hepatitis, which is fully recovered within 6 months, and chronic hepatitis, which continues to develop inflammation additional. Hepatitis A appears to be a form of acute hepatitis in which 99% of patients recover within 6 months, but 1% may require liver transplantation with mild hepatic impairment.

Unlike type A, hepatitis B and C, and can cause cirrhosis or liver cancer after middle age. Patients with chronic hepatitis do not come to the hospital well because there are no obvious symptoms.

Patients with chronic viral hepatitis should undergo routine hepatitis screening, even if they do not show symptoms, and early treatment is recommended.

Professor Shim Jae-joon said, "Hepatitis C is the most common cause of hepatocellular carcinoma in Korea." It is important to confirm the presence of hepatitis by a blood test, even there are no symptoms, because the recently developed oral antiviral agent has a cure rate of over 98%. "

Hong Sungik reporter [email protected]
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