Mahathir "Goldman Sachs misled" … Fee Return Requirements: Sporty Shipbuilding



The Malaysian government is stepping up pressure on Goldman Sachs, one of the major US financial institutions.

Mahathir Mohammad (93), Malaysian Prime Minister, accused him of "being at Goldman Sachs" in an interview with CNBC on US television on the 13th, amidst the vast funding scandal of his 1MDB, financed by the Government (1 Malaysia Development Company).

The Malaysian government is demanding the return of the commission paid to Goldman as part of the 1MDB bond issuance process. The accusation of representatives of the Malaysian government should therefore continue, reported the newspaper Nihon Keizai of 14.

1MDB is a government-funded fund created by former Prime Minister Naji Rajak and designated as a hotbed of corruption. The government has invested money in the redevelopment of the capital, but has accused former Prime Minister Najib, among others, to use more than $ 4.5 billion of funds. It is estimated that 1MDB financed $ 6.5 billion in 2012-2013, part of which was in accounts of people involved in corruption cases. The investment banking division of Goldman Sachs has received a $ 600 million commission to acquire 1MDB bonds.

The Mahathir government is continuing its investigation of corruption and reportedly has asked that Goldman Sachs be fired for "conserving" the loss of money used by Malaysia.

Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad, who criticized Goldman for his role in the interview, said he was confident that the US Justice Department had indicted two Goldman Sachs executives for their involvement in the use 1MDB funds. "We are watching (Goldman's attitude)," said Mahathir, adding that "there is evidence that Goldman has committed unfair behavior."

Malaysian Finance Minister Lim Jengen said Friday that he has been convicted of one of Goldman 's executives as part of a local radio show.

Goldman Sachs said he would cooperate with the investigation but did not comment on a claim.

Goldman has filed a complaint with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that the US Department of Justice has commented on the possibility of receiving significant fines, penalties and sanctions from Other countries.

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