Mark Long to support the finals of the World Cup Russia … Interviews with Putin


  Emmanuel Marc Long, President of France, watches the semi-finals of the French and Belgian World Cup with Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reinhardt on 10 (local time) in St. Petersburg. [이미지출처=연합뉴스]
Emmanuel Marc Long, French President (center), watches the FIFA World Cup semi-final match between France and Belgium with Belgian King Philippe (right) and Didier Reinhardt from Belgium at Saint Petersburg (local time) [이미지출처=연합뉴스]
[아시아경제 조슬기나 기자] French President Emmanuel Marc Long decided to watch the match of the French national team at the final of the 2018 Russian World Cup. According to the Elysee, On November 11, 1945, President Mark Long will play the French national team in the World Cup final in Moscow at the Luzhniki stadium on the evening of the 15th and hold a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the same day. I will support you. The French national team will meet Croatia in the final and will challenge the World Cup in 20 years.

Putin should attend the final.

On the other hand, President Mark Long saw the semi-final between France and Belgium in St. Petersburg all day long.

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