Measles outbreak in Europe … Immunization required before the trip


▲ News about the prevention of measles
[금요저널(금요언론인클럽)] While the measles epidemic continues in Europe and China, the seat of disease control,

After the beginning of the epidemic in Romania in 2016, the measles epidemic in Europe continues to rage in France, Italy, Greece and Ukraine up to now, and in the Asian region

Korea has been accredited by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a country to fight measles in 2014 and has been experiencing an outbreak of infectious diseases ever since. Group epidemics occurred in schools and medical facilities, but there were no additional patients after each of the three patients. [19659005HealthycontrolofmaladiesrecommendsthatimmunizationfeedingmolefertilizerstoprovidechildrenisthereforeimportantofcompletevaccinationsonthelessthatthecommittedthatconfirmthatyouveeveryourvaccinationsREDsecondmaybeforeexposure

Therefore, if you have not completed 2 doses or if you are not sure if you are inoculated, you will need to complete the 2 doses and you will have to leave after 6 doses up to 12 months.

In addition, as measles cases due to the influx of foreign countries can be visited in medical facilities, it is necessary to confirm patients when they visit medical facilities. Medical staff also highlighted the completion of the two doses of the MMR vaccine.

In Korea, the measles immunization rate is high in Korea, and even though the measles virus is infected outside the country, the possibility of mbadive epidemics is very low, but people Immunocompromised patients may have a small number of patients. In case of personal hygiene complaints, visit the quarantine officer of the National Quarantine Service in case of fever or rash, and in case of suspected measles after return, limit the contact others and call the Center for Disease Control. 1339 and follow the instructions to visit the medical facility. I asked.

In addition, since early detection is important after the arrival of a measles patient, the medical facility carefully observes the possibility of measles in patients with fever and fever. rashes and asks the public health center if measles is suspected.

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