Meatless Monday, First Steps to Managing Diabetes | Trend and politics


▲ Pasta and Vegetable Soup (Source: 123RF)

Domestic diabetics are steadily increasing due to the westernization of lifestyle, obesity, and overweight. population increase, the aging of the population. Diabetes mellitus is not a curable condition, but if you manage your diet, exercise regularly, take appropriate medications and so on, you can lead a normal life.

What is HbA1c?

HbA1c is a glycated hemoglobin. Glucose is blood sugar, and hemoglobin is the carrier that provides oxygen in the body in the form of glycolate. This means that hemoglobin binds to glucose in the blood. Doctors monitor HbA1c on a weekly or monthly basis to monitor body glucose. Since red blood cells can live for about 120 days, the average blood glucose level is within the last 120 days and HbA1C is a glycated hemoglobin. Glucose is blood sugar, and hemoglobin is the carrier that provides oxygen in the body in the form of glycolate. This means that hemoglobin binds to glucose in the blood. The HbA1C is measured weekly or monthly to observe the body's blood sugar.


According to the online clinical review site "Clinical Nutrition", a vegetarian who only avoids eating meat, And the vegan diet, which avoids dairy products and honey, helps reduce HbA1c and cholesterol levels.


A team led by Dr. Epiphigilio Ca at St. Michael's Hospital & # 39; s discovered that hypoglycemic agents and insulin,

Compared to the non-vegetarian diet, the Vegetarian diet improved the HbA1C by 0.29%. Although the numbers are low, Dr. Karashi Legger of the Jocelyn Diabetes Center has said that the 0.29% improvement over the new treatment is the same as the US FDA.

Researchers found that a vegetable-based diet of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes controlled blood glucose levels and improved cardiovascular health. Explained

In recent years, the incidence of diabetes in the United States has declined dramatically, but the effects of changes in the incidence rate of Asians have not been accurate . Unlike Westerners, Asians do not have the same effects on the consumption of meat and fish.

We also examined changes in fasting blood glucose, LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, body mbad index, body mbad index, and waist circumference in a diet. vegetarian. . Dr. Caleleba, a member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, said, "Of patients with type 2 diabetes, 60% of type 2 diabetics have no significant changes in blood pressure, Insulin on an empty stomach and triglycerides. ~ 70% die from heart disease. Colleagues in this study also linked diabetes and heart disease.According to the study, a vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of heart disease and, at the same time, improve type 2 diabetes.


Kathryn Geratski, a dietician at Mayo Clinic, said that reducing meat consumption and increasing vegetarian intake can be effective for type 2 diabetes. "Weight is a major risk factor for diabetes, "said Geratski.

▲ Chickpea (Source: 123RF)

According to national survey data, less than 10% of North Americans and Europeans This is followed by a vegetarian diet.The sudden changes from meat to vegetarian can be difficult, but increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables can be a good start instead of reducing the consumption of meat.

Read ndi without meat can be a good starting point for a vegetarian diet. Geratski nutritionist suddenly pointed out that the body might be surprised if he stopped eating meat.

Future Studies

Dr. Vikirrioka and his colleagues conducted another clinical trial to determine what kind of food they would like to eat. Adding that vegetarian diets are the most beneficial and will help determine if a vegetarian diet can be beneficial not only for people with type 2 diabetes, but also those with type 1 diabetes.

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