Media Jeju


In Jeju Island, middle-aged patients are relieved of the burden of land movements

[미디어제주 김형훈 기자] In Jeju Island, the possibility of a non-aortic valve replacement sutured with less risk of surgery and complications became possible. A 71-year-old grandmother reported a successful attempt to replace a non-sutured aortic valve.

The operation was carried out under the auspices of Shin Sung-ho, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, said the hospital.

Stenosis of the aortic valve is a condition in which the valve is narrowed and the blood circulation in the heart is not performed smoothly, resulting in sudden death. It's a deadly disease.

The recent increase in the elderly population increases the number of these patients.

The first aortic valve replacement not sutured by a hospital hospital Jeju Halla was a repair of aortic aneurysm,

The existing operation is to open the chest and operate the valve of artificial cardiopulmonary bypbad, so that the aortic valve

Sung Sung-ho, chairman of the department, said: "Although aortic valve repair is performed after aortic valve replacement, Aortic stenosis is the most acquired valvulopathy acquired frequent in adults and the number of patients continues to increase. "Non-sutured aortic valve replacement should reduce the risk of surgery and may be helpful for patients who have difficulty operating." [19659003] With the success of this operation,

Meanwhile, Shin Sung-ho, board member of the Korean Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, and a member of advisory committee on the implantation of percutaneous aortic valves, has been active in the field of acupuncture. Media Prohibition of Reprint and Redistribution of Jeju

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