Merkel, Trump's denial of the EU's "enemy" … "Resolving conflicts with beauty" (complete)


"I can not count on the American superpowers" … Possibility of resignation

Indirect warning to the minister of my honor … Conclusion of the rebuilding of old diesel cars until September

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday that US President Donald Trump had labeled the EU as "enemy" in the trade sector. I will not do it.

Merkel said at a press conference before the summer holidays in Berlin that "relations between the two countries, including the US President, are very important to us and we will continue to make".

Merkel pointed out that "historically, the United States and Europe have differed several times, but it was worthwhile resolving the conflict".

However, "we can not rely on the American superpower."

With respect to the trade dispute between the United States and the EU, "we will both suffer damage", and "" He said.

Merkel, who is the fourth prime minister in March, said that he would terminate his term as required by law, in response to questions about the possibility of a resignation to midterm.

In recent years, internal disagreements have been needed regarding the intense ban on refugee policy within Grand Master, but politicians must be careful to avoid excessive conflict.

He said, "Language is an expression of thought and should be very careful." "Reconciliation can be done by talking about differences of opinion, and the way of discussing can be improved.

He put an end to the refugee policy struggle with Horst Zeuhor, Minister of the Interior, an intransigent refugee, as a representative of the Christian Socialist Party, but pointed out that Minister Zehoper's process was eclipsed through this process.

Minister Zehofer said: "I will not be sacked by Chancellor Angela Merkel, who became my prime minister," as he did by withdrawing his resignation card from cabinet. I was forced to resign.

Merkel acknowledged that the coalition government had lost public confidence in this interim period.

A recent opinion poll conducted by ARD revealed that 78% of respondents were dissatisfied with the government.

After the invitation of President Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin in the United States, he said: "We must meet the leaders again."

He said that he would like to avoid the driving ban when it is possible to solve the problem of the aging diesel car for the reduction of air pollution and that he will decide before the end of September if the refurbishment of the aging diesel car is necessary.

In addition, Merkel stressed that social media companies must be responsible for their content.

Recently, Mark Zuckerberg pointed out that Facebook's CEOs should not be allowed to block undisclosed Holocaust postings, and that relevant content should be legally removed in Germany. The

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