Mexico's presidential election "Trump lefty" confirmed to win Obrador


[아시아경제 조슬기나 기자] In a Mexican presidential election, a victory of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (64, AMLO Amro) was officially confirmed on Tuesday, May 9, according to a final report of the electoral commission (INE) Lopez Obrador, a candidate for "Together Let's Make History Together," a group of left-wing political parties, including MORENA and the Labor Party, won 53.2 percent of the presidential elections.

Lopez Obrador said that he would be elected in the presidential election that day, with 53 to 53.8% of the vote. Lopez Obrador takes office on 1 December

Ricardo Anaya (38), a trade union candidate of the National Right Movement Party (PAN) and the left-wing Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), won 22.3% of the vote. José Antonio Midd (48) of the ruling Justice and Development Party (PRI) was only 16.4%. The final turnout was 63.4%

Veteran politician Lopez Obrador was called by leftists Trump and Chavez of Mexico because of nationalist tendencies and aggressive remarks. That's why some observers say that US President George W. Bush will make a strong impression on US border politicians, immigrants and NAFTA.

He also said that he would resume the import of refined oil imported from the United States in the first three years of his tenure at a meeting with local media on the 7th.

Joe Seung Gi reporter [email protected]. kr

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