Michigan's twins stand for Republican and Democratic elections respectively


"The right wing and the left wing are the wings of the birds … coexisting with what we are pursuing"

(Chicago-AP) Kim, Hyun Kim's binoculars in the United States United are running for the election of a candidate elected official C & # 39; is becoming a hot topic.

According to Michigan Media and Congress newspaper The Hill, businesswoman Jessica Ann Tyson and broadcaster Monica Sparks, who ran side by side in the 12th and 13th District Commissioners elections in Michigan , Twin Sisters

Tyson first voted for the 13th district commissioner election, and Sfax, who was under the influence of the latter, declared his candidacy for the post of 12th district commissioner.

What is strange is that Tyson is the Republican candidate, and Sfax is after the Democratic Party.

Sfax says, "Ironically, I chose the Democratic Party and Tyson chose the Republican Party."

The sister said, "I did not think that other political inclinations could hurt my sisters. "" The right wing and the left wing are the two wings of a bird. "

However, And will support the nominees nominated by his party in this election.

Tyson said, "I can not expect the support of Sparks, who has always been the biggest supporter, to be disappointed."

Sfax pointed out: "We are not" divided ", but" separated "according to the purpose."

When the sisters were sent to separate temporary families,

Since then, both were adopted together into a family and are taught by their adoptive parents, "Be an active voter".

Spax said, "Both parents voted in depth, saying that voting is a right and an obligation, and that some people have died for that right."

"We have learned that we should be able to defend our beliefs, but our beliefs may be different and not agree, and what we need to pursue is coexistence."

Monica Sparks and Jessica Ann Tyson, twin sisters, run for the Democratic and Republican elections in the Michigan State election, USA [제시카 앤 타이슨 페이스북 캡처]

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