Middle and Foreign Ministry: "Beauty,


[Seoul-NewSea] reporter Munhyeongseong pointed out that China's Foreign Ministry should not infringe intellectual property rights (intellectual property rights) in the United States, According to a spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Huang Chun-ying said at a regular briefing on the prosecution of the intellectual property rights of the US side: "In recent months, the US has denied that China stole intellectual property, "He said. "The truth has to gain sophistication," said a spokesman, "China is the second largest innovation company in the world and China is the second largest number of patent applications in the world."

He said: "China will probably become the world's largest patent filer in the next three years and has already become a strong country in the field of intellectual property rights." A spokesman said: "The amount of intellectual property rights paid by China abroad last year was $ 28.6 billion (about 32 billion won), far exceeding $ 20 billion in intellectual property costs The cost of intellectual property rights paid also increased by 14% over the same period last year. "" This is a testimony that strongly refutes the unfounded criticism of the American side, "he added.

"China is developing as a leader in global technological innovation."

"Intellectual property is not exclusive to the United States and the United States does not have the privilege of pursuing their economic and social development using intellectual property." Intellectual property should be used for the common development and well-being of the human race.

He added, "Intellectual rights should not be a tool for the United States to put pressure on the development of other countries and save their own soul."

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