"Milk is a sugar-free and low-fat food that does not quickly raise blood sugar"


People with metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, are more likely to benefit from a slowing of blood sugar.

Professor Kim Dae-jung of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Ajou University Hospital said: "Milk is one of the low glycemic index (GI) foods" in a conference on improving milk awareness with doctors on the 5th floor of the Cancer Center Hospital, "There is not a lot of sugar in the milk, so it's a good thing. is a good food in terms of index, "he said.

The sugar index is a numerical value that compares the quality of sugar to the rate of absorption of postprandial sugar depending on the food. It's easy to see how fast the blood sugar increases after eating. Diabetics are advised to eat low glycemic foods.

In fact, milk is a representative food with a low glycemic index (GI). The glutinous rice glucose index is 92 when it is consumed once (150 g) based on the glycerol 100 glucose index. Rice oatmeal 86, baked potato 85, watermelon 120g 72, ice cream 50g 61, sweet potato 61, brown rice 55 and rye bread 30g 50. Milk has a sugar index of 27 only when 250g are ingested .

The Korean Diabetes Association also included milk in a snack when taking a diet of 1,800 kcal a day in the guidelines of the Diabetes Food Exchange (2010).

Professor Kim said: "We recommend milk and dairy products, fruits and nuts as a snack for the Mediterranean diet, also known for its healthy diet.We also recommend milk and dairy products as a snack, even in the world-renowned DASH diet regime. "

In particular, the study also revealed that the incidence of metabolic syndrome is low when dairy products such as milk are eaten.

A follow-up of 5,510 adults aged 40 to 69 years residing in the provinces of Anseong and Ansan for 10 years showed that people who ate milk more than once a week had metabolic syndrome rate and lower abdominal obesity.

The incidence of metabolic syndrome was 0.63 and that of abdominal obesity was 0.69. The incidence of metabolic syndrome was 0.65 and abdominal obesity was 0.68. The metabolic syndrome was 0.59, abdominal obesity 0.87, metabolic syndrome 0.54 and abdominal obesity 0.72.

Professor Kim said, "When we ingested dairy products, we found that 26% less obese were not obese." Proteins in milk have the ability to prevent "bad cancer." obesity, and if you reduce a little fat, it's better for obesity. "

Professor Kim explained that there was no reason to worry about the increase in cholesterol caused by milk consumption.

Professor Kim said, "The effect of foods on cholesterol accounts for about 30% of the total and the rest is inherited genetically." "Milk is one of the perfect foods and it is necessary to reduce fat. However, obesity and diabetes are essential to prevent saturated fats, trans fats, milk proteins (proteins of whey) at the same time, "he said.

On that day, the audience who attended the conference asked a variety of questions about milk and health, and the speakers responded to the audience's questions with clear answers.

After the lecture, the performance of singer Hong Kyungmin continued.

On the other hand, this conference was sponsored by the Committee on the Management of Milk Self-Management (President Lee Seung-ho), sponsored by a young doctor, <나는의사다>Together

The "Citizens' Conference on Improving Milk Awareness among Doctors" will be held at the Suwon Ajou University Hospital's Annex Auditorium on Friday the 16th.

Professor Kim Dae Jung from Ajou University Hospital also participated in this conference. Professor Park Chang-jin of the smiling dental clinic is also preparing a conference on the health of milk and bones.

Everyone can attend the citizens' ceremony(Http://www.docdocdoc.co.kr/event/event18.html). It is also possible to register on the spot the same day.

This is a free conference that will give a worthy price of 120,000 euros by presenting a souvenir to the attendant and drawing lots. There will also be a special performance by singer Hong Kyung-min, who appeared in an immortal clbadical song.

Lee Hae-sun reporter [email protected]

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