Ministry of Unification, Reunification of Separated Families


  The Ministry of Unification of the Ministry of Unification of the Republic of Korea and the Liaison Office of the Ministry of Unification of South and North Korea will visit the Industrial Complex of Kaesong on June 8 through the north and south entrances of Munsang-eup. [사진공동취재단]

On June 8, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Unification of the Republic of Korea visited the Kaesong Industrial Complex on June 8 through the northern and southern entrances of Munsang-eup Gyeongui-eup in the city of Paju in Gyeonggi Province. [사진공동취재단]

Deputy Minister of Unification of the Ministry of Unification visited the meeting site of the family reunion center on Geumgang Mountain on August 1 to check progress and encourage people on field.

According to the Unification Ministry on March 31, Chun will return around 4 pm after crossing the MDL at 1 pm that day.

The Unification Department plans to encourage 50 field engineers and engineers who are dedicated to repairing facilities at the Kumgang site silently as the heat continues, and plans to Listen to the progress of construction.

An official from the Ministry of Unification said: "Based on the results of the visit, the government will complete the renovation of the meeting facilities until August 15 when the first team will be sent.

On September 9, the South and North will renovate the family reunification center for the unified family reunification ceremony on August 15 at the Panmunjom Declaration, which will be reunited from the 20th to the 26th of next month.

In addition to Chun Cheon, nine people, including Kim Hyung-tae, director of the Indian Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Unification and Hyundai Asan officials, visit Mt.

Meanwhile , the North Korean labor newspaper commented on the need to take over the Kaesong Industrial Complex and Kumgangsan Tourism, and a ministry official said: "There is no connection between Chun's visit to Kumg angsan. The purpose of this visit is to reunite separated families without any problem. "

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