Mission Impossible Pyongyang of Pompeii … "The missions of Tom Cruise are easier"


  US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is expected to meet with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington on May 5. [AP=연합뉴스]

State Secretary Mike Pompei heads for a plane on the 5th at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, DC. [AP=연합뉴스]

US Secretary of State Mike Pompei travels to North Korea for six to seven days to negotiate a denuclearization agreement with North Korea. US President George W. Bush and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il agreed on denuclearization at the June 12 summit, but the report does not show whether the promises made by the two leaders been held. After the summit, the denuclearization checklist "Pompei O" has a high attendance. In the joint declaration of the North American summit of the 4th paragraph, "both parties promised to proceed with the evacuation, including the American prisoners of war already confirmed and the immediate repatriation of the remnants of the war. In response, the USFK delivered more than 100 US boxes to the North through the Joint Security Zone at Panmunjom on the 24th of last month, however, there is no Mention of the North Repatriation Plan However, there are comments that North Korea is trying to cover the repatriation of the remains that Pyongyang has prepared as a "gift" because six journalists are accompanying Pyongyang to Pompei.

A press conference just after the summit, President Trump said that the combined training US-ROK was "an expensive provocative war exercise." On March 19, a week after the summit, South Korea and the United States suspended the UFG exercises, which were to take place in August Since then, a major trade union training has been postponed.

Dismissal of missile engine experience = × [19659006] However, President Trump said ir heard directly after the signing of the joint statement that the missile testing center of North Korea (Dongchang-) The badignment has not yet been carried out. This is a test site in Dong Chang-ri, where North Korea fired long-range rockets equipped with satellites and experimented with the Baekdusan engine used for intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). North Korea has not issued any official position regarding the dismantling of the experiment.

Old Statement = ×

In a joint declaration at the summit, both parties pledged to "work together to establish a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean peninsula". But there is no visible movement yet. There is no large-scale debate on the issue of the declaration of the end of the war for the establishment of a peace regime in South Korea, North Korea and the United States. United States. However, the South and North agreed to declare the end of the year in the Panmunjom Declaration in April, and there are also comments that the UN General Assembly will be held in September.

Fast Implementation of Agreement = ×

At a press conference, President Trump said, "He (Kim Jung Eun) is returning to North Korea, and "He said," We will discuss the details of the denuclearization process next week, "he added, but there was no movement next week. High level held on the last day after the summit for three weeks.

North Korea-US hotline = ×

President Trump said on the 15th of last month, "I will give my phone number Direct to Kim and talk Sunday (17) and expect that the hotline of the North American Summit will be operational for the first time in history. But the call was not made. The US side explained that the hotline has not materialized yet.

Most of the checklist is △ or ×, which means that there are a lot of tasks ahead. Minister Pompei should digest the high-level missions that change X to O during this visit. "Tom Cruise (director of the movie" Mission Impossible ") has a much easier job than Pompeii," said Harry Casey Anice, director of the US National Center for Profit, whose voice comes from Washington. Kim Young-chul, vice chairman of the North Korea Workers' Party, said he would meet with Unification Minister Woo Kyun-kyung, who will travel to North Korea on July 5th.

Ji Hye Hye, Pyongyang = joint press team [email protected]

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