MK News – Black slippers on bare feet … Crown at Gandhi Memorial Park


◆ Korea-India Summit ◆

On the 10th, President Mun Jae-in visited the Gandhi Memorial Park in India, south of Jamuna River in New Delhi, India, with his wife, Kim Jung Sook, on October 10. He then sprinkled red petals on the altar and came out silently. President Moon said in his gold book: "There is no way to go in peace, peace is the way", recalls the spirit of the great Gandhi. "

" President Moon addressed the Gandhi Memorial Park after his official reception and expressed his respect for Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian spiritual leader and national leader, and the people of India ", said the presidential office.
Raj Ghat, a memorial park in Gandhi, is the site of Gandhi's Tomb, which was murdered by a Hindu right-wing girl in 1948 in Hindi, which means "the king's tomb."

Soon Moon sits at the guest house and began a unique summit with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

On the occasion of the opening ceremony of September 9, President Moon delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Korea-India Summit, MOU exchange and press release , lunch hosted by the Prime Minister, Chairman of the Korea-India CEO Round Table, "We will significantly increase opportunities for Korean companies to enter and expand our business by expanding practical cooperation between the two countries", he said. "We will be inviting about 150 Koreans living in Korea to a hotel in New Delhi," We will work closely with the Indian government to solve the difficulties these companies face. "At this meeting, President Moon encouraged our entrepreneurs in India and young people who have succeeded in establishing a local business even in a difficult business environment.

million. Moon also expressed gratitude for Modi's special hospitality, saying, "Prime Minister Modi (in front of the summit) accompanied me to the Gandhi Memorial, He said:" Most of the sections of the factories were reunited when I moved on the subway. "" We also know that the subway line was built by our company Samsung C & T, and Hyundai Rotem was the place where we delivered the car from the Metro."

[뉴델리 = 강계만 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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