MK News – [Health] How to prevent the summer cold "cold air disease" – indoor and outdoor temperature difference 5 ℃ … Attention to cooling water bacteria


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  Photo Description In the heat wave There is a sudden increase in the number of patients who use the air conditioner due to air conditioning excessive. It is advisable to open the windows at least once every three hours to provide fresh air in order to avoid air cooling problems.

It is nowadays that the heat is boiling, but the room is rather cold. Air conditioners, such as buses and subways, as well as offices and homes, are cool and cool.

The cold air disease is not a formally categorized disease. There is no official name.

However, people who have a lot of air conditioners are often called air conditioners if they have a cold symptom for no reason. Headaches, chills and fever are the main symptoms. Symptoms such as digestive disorders, dry eye syndrome and skin problems as well as respiratory abnormalities such as coughing can occur in almost any organ.
The cause of the air conditioner is an excessive indoor / outdoor temperature difference. If you are exposed to the cold air of a room with a big difference compared to the outside temperature, the autonomic nervous system becomes abnormal. The body's ability to control temperature drops and balance of the body is broken. Many women suffer from menstrual irregularities due to air-cooling disease. Older people may have muscle paralysis, including facial paralysis. People with chronic conditions such as arthritis and diabetes may experience more severe symptoms than usual.

Professor Sun Woo Sung, professor of family medicine at Asan Medical Center, said, "Our body is designed to maintain a body temperature of 36.5 ℃. When the outside temperature increases, he finds a way to lower body temperature through sweating, which is called "homeostasis". Of course, in summer, when it should be hot, creating a cold outdoor environment with an air conditioner is an obstacle in terms of maintaining homeostasis, resulting in an abnormality of the autonomic nervous system. "

Reducing the number of fresh air ventilation is also a factor in the air-cooling call. If you do not ventilate frequently, the indoor air becomes cloudy and the humidity drops. When the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth dry up, they become vulnerable to bacteria and dust. The reason that the eyes, nose, throat or headaches appear is not related to ventilation.

In order to avoid air cooling, the absolute cooling time must be reduced. It is necessary to open the windows at least once every 2 to 3 hours while operating the air conditioner to provide fresh air. Even when the wind of the air conditioner directly hits the body, the chances of getting an air conditioner increases. Therefore, the body should be gradually adapted to the ambient temperature away from the air conditioning system as much as possible. Also use a thin cardigan such as a cardigan, knee blanket, etc. so that the body temperature does not change significantly. Keep the air conditioner clean at all times and change the filter frequently. A sufficient intake of seasonal fruits and many vitamins also helps to prevent air cooling.

Professor Sun said, "Since the body temperature change is about 5 adjustable, it is best to keep the indoor and outdoor temperature at about 5 ℃. Regardless of the outside temperature, if the temperature difference exceeds 8 ° C, there is a strong possibility of abnormality in the body. It is also necessary to maintain the body's homeostasis through regular aerobic exercises, no matter how hot it is. "

The general disease of air cooling is generally better over time or when taking medication.

However, "legionellosis" is caused by infection with Legionella, a microorganism that lives in air conditioning water. Bacterial air cooling should be treated if it is not treated on time as it is likely to be exacerbated by pneumonia or kidney failure.

Professor Sun said, "Legionella looks like the symptoms of air circulation, but it is a lot more deadly for our body.If people who frequently use air conditioners exceed 38 degrees Celsius and go up with coughing and expectoration, it is necessary to consult a doctor and receive professional medical treatment.

[나건웅 기자 [email protected]]

[본 기사는 매경이코노미 제1966호 (2018.07.11~07.17일자) 기사입니다]

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