MK News – Italy wakes up with the iron bread of the National Assembly … Up to 70% discount in the pension


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Italy has decided to reduce by 70% the pension of the National Assembly. Even though he worked as a member for only one day, he heard a scandal in which the political party cuts his pension when public criticism of `The new Italian government launched last month is about to break the parliamentary privilege as first steps of reform.

According to the Reuters news agency, the Italian House of Representatives (630 seats in total) agreed to reduce the pension for life after the departure of the inaugural members

The system will be applied from January of next year, and it will be applied retroactively to 1400 lawmakers leaving the current office.
According to the revised new system, the maximum annual pension, which gave the monthly maximum of 10,000 (about 13 million won), will be reduced by up to 70% depending on the number of years of service and the number of Years of service. The legislator of five members reduces the pension from about 7,700 euros to 3,000 euros and, for single-member legislators, from 3,000 euros to 1,000 euros per month. The Italian legislative pension is managed in accordance with the legislation itself, so no separate legislative process is needed. It is badessed as an attempt by members of the House of Representatives to break the "bowl of iron rice" when the national opposition gets stronger.

Luigi Dimao, Minister of Labor and Industry and Deputy Prime Minister, who advocated for the reduction of pensions, stressed: "It is a historic day, the day the Italians wait for 60 years. " The President of the House, Roberto Pico, said: "This measure will reduce the national budget by 40 million euros (about 52.5 billion won) a year." Today, we have corrected social inequalities and healed wounds. "The reform is a representative commitment made in March by the five-star movement of the Italian coalition government.

The Italian Parliament has long been saddened by the people. While enjoying the privilege of hundreds of millions of won and life annuities, it did not work well and called it "Iron Rice Parade." Italy has reformed the pension system for the general public, but it is also called the "noisy reform area".

In particular, the plan paid a life annuity even if it was a member for only one day. For example, a legislator who worked in one day in 1982 received 3,000 euros a month until his death in 2016. According to Reuters, the cost of running the 630 House of Representatives in Italy is equivalent to the combined costs of United Kingdom, Germany, France and the Spanish Parliament.

The public is also pleased that the National Assembly pension cuts have been made for the first time. In 2011, Mario Monti's government raised its pension standard to more than four and a half years, but there was no reduction in the amount and, as the reform project was not applied retrospectively, retirees before 2012,.

Former reporters continue to bounce back. According to ANSA, some former members of the House of Representatives should file a constitutional complaint in the Constitutional Court. They add that the "retrospective application" section of the pension reduction is unconstitutional.

Despite opposition to some members of the coalition government alliance, Mathew Salinini, Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the Alliance, said on November 11: "Abolish the privilege of politicians is a priority. Soon after, he turned to the pros.

Deputy Prime Minister Dimao predicted that he would implement new pension reforms. He said he planned to drastically reduce the so-called "gold pension" of the general public who receives more than 4,000 euros a month. Another observation is that the movement of the five parties will be subject to reform, given that the other parliamentary privileges of the five parties will be the subject of reform in particular the Senate (315 seats in total), which is not covered by the current reduction in pensions, should become the next target.

It is unclear whether the reform will succeed in the Senate.

In the Senate, the government (the Five-Party Movement and the Alliance Party) occupies only 167 seats, a little more than half. Italian Senator Maria Elisa Beta Kbadelrati, who is in the middle of the advance of the right, fears that such measures unduly undermine the rights of former senators. If the pension cuts exceed the threshold of the Senate, the annual budget will be reduced to 76 million euros (about 100 billion won).

A member of the Aso movement said: "Today, we have pbaded important legislation that meets the demands of people who are demanding temperance and we will fight for the pbadage of the bill.

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