MK News – Kang Kyung-hwa "The elimination of missile launch vehicles from North Korea means we must check them" (Full)


Korea's Foreign Minister, Highlighting "Verification" alongside the Dialogue Conference on Strategic Dialogue
Korean Foreign Minister, "The Internationally-Inspected CVID of North Korea Should Take concrete measures "[Séoul-Yonhap News]

Kang stressed the 26th at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea (Haikou)" After the North Korean nuclear talks and talks at the summit of Korea North, the DPRK has declared its intentions of denuclearization, "he said at a joint press conference after the first ministerial talks with the minister. I hope we will have a chance to check if it has been completely shut down because it has not been verified.

Kang pointed out that "North Korea knows that North Korea is abandoning missile launchers," and that "North Korea is taking significant steps, but each should to be verified. "

As for the declaration of the end of the government, the minister said:" Cooperation with neighboring countries and cooperation and dialogue with North Korea are essential. "

Thanks to the Regular implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration, We will deploy diplomatic efforts in two directions to regularly support the international community. "He also said:" I understand that we are constantly negotiating and that we are seeking an alliance between the Republic of Korea. and the US military authorities. "According to the concept of early conversion of operational control in wartime, the" beginning ""

In addition, Kang pointed out that two parties should regularize the strategic dialogue of Foreign Ministers, and strengthen the channels of dialogue between the two countries in various fields in the future. "He said." German Foreign Minister Haikomas said at a press conference: "What matters is what North Korea sees as an action," he said. he said, "We must take concrete steps to ensure complete and verifiable denuclearization. He also said that "this should be documentable and verifiable."

He said: "Germany has a know-how and expertise in the issue of denuclearization." "We have accumulated expertise and know-how in nuclear negotiations with Iran. I have the will to do it. "

Mr. Kang also said:" It will certainly be time for the technical details to lead the negotiations with North Korea through the cooperation of the Republic of Korea and the DPRK, "he said.

On sanctions against North Korea, Minister Mas emphasized that North Korea should take steps to implement concrete denuclearization measures, saying: "Germany and the United States EU will participate politically in the North Korean nuclear process, "he said, adding that" the German government does not yet want to change the policy in one way or another. There is the red line, which pointed out that UN sanctions will not change unless actions of North Korea are followed. "

" I can not say that there is no meeting on North Korea, but I want to be successful because the Korean government is very brave and brave on this road " said Mas, I hope it will be an opportunity, I want to support this last opportunity and hope to enjoy it. "

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