MK News – Kills 13 Indian Citizens … Attracted by Pheromone Scent


Hundreds of people · Mobilized drones, persistent follow-up … "Do an anesthesia session, but forced to fire"

WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 (Xinhuanet) – A cigarette that has killed 13 people in western India over the past two years has been shot down after a mbadive capture operation.

According to the New York Times (NYT) on Monday and the DPA's correspondence in Germany, a 6-year-old female tiger (official name "T-1"), nicknamed "Abni" in the west of Masha-J & # 39; I breathed

This is a tiger that killed at least 13 villagers near the Raleigh On Forest in the Yarmat Mal region in western Maharashtra, India, in June 2016.

The large-scale capture operation in the Mahashtra jungle area was a constant reminder of military operations.

Hundreds of people, hundreds of remote-controlled cameras, heat-sensing drones and free wings have been mobilized. Specially trained elephants also took part in the shooting.

The operation was not easy. T-1 was a tiger mother with two cubs and had to be careful not to hurt them. T-1 seemed "abnormally" scary, with difficulties such as shrub thickening as the rainy season lengthened.

The catch-up team was an "obsession" with Calvin Klein perfume.

It is known that if a musk cat is obsessed with a pheromone, it will have an attractive effect, such as a sniffer dog and an animal sniffing and trailing a few minutes.

The capture team recruited observers and tiger piss in the area where T-1 was suspected to be hiding and after a few hours the T-1 finally appeared.

They fired on the armor at a distance of 8 to 10 meters. It took up to 15 minutes to fall asleep, but the T-1 started crying and the horses rushed to the jeep.

Finally, the gunman pulled the trigger. The Indian authorities have stated that it was a dimension of "self defense".

The ball penetrated the bottom of the tiger and T-1 died on the spot.

The inhabitants of the T-1's death have not hidden their joy.

A resident told the NYT: "Now that life can return to normal," he said, "I was able to do what I was doing in the field."

But environmental activists are wondering if they should have killed T-1.

PETA, an animal welfare organization, said that "Abni was illegally killed by the hunter's blood desire" and that this case should be treated as a crime against wildlife.

One animal group leader said: "I have done what I can do at any time," he said.

India is the largest tiger habitat in the world. The number of individuals increased from 1,411 in 2006 to 2,500 due to some tiger protection policies.

However, as housing gradually decreases, there are more and more cases of private protected area escapements and conflicts with residents.

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