MK News – Kim Jong Eun reveals his affidavit … Trump, the conversation flirting


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  Explanation of photos US President Donald Trump issued the affidavit received from North Korean leader Kim Jong-a on 12 (local time) " I express my gratitude for the enthusiastic and extraordinary efforts of President (Trump) President Kim, "Kim said in a letter. [도널드 트럼프 대통령 트위터 캡처]

US President Donald Trump unleashed "embarrbading" negotiations on the denuclearization of the United States and North Korea. In the open letter, President Kim's hope and willingness for the second US-North summit are held in a gracious tone, and President Trump praised Korea's North.

President Trump visited his Twitter office soon after arriving in Britain on Monday, December 12, to mail a copy of his letter to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Trump said, "It's a wonderful story written by Kim." "Great strides are being made."

At a press conference in Brussels, Belgium, he said, "The North Korea bombed a site of nuclear tests and was told to blow up another missile test site. " North Korea has stopped its propaganda activities), "he said Trump's unconventional revelation of Kim's statement is interpreted as an emotional gesture towards North Korea, and he reads skepticism about the desire to North Korea to denuclearize in the United States and its intention to deal with the "dance theory" of the North Korean negotiation.
President Kim also expressed his willingness to communicate clearly. Although details such as "denuclearization" or "declaration of war" were not mentioned, President Kim expressed his deep gratitude for the enthusiastic and extraordinary efforts to improve relations between the two countries and to faithfully implement the joint statement "He said it's the opposite of the Foreign Ministry's statement that criticized US demand for" high demand "after recent high-level consultations in the US and Korea President Kim also said: "I firmly believe that the firm, the sincere efforts and the unique methods of Mr. President that I would like to pioneer a new future between Korea and the United States will have a fruitful effect. "" I hope that our unwavering faith and our confidence in the President President will be further strengthened as part of future actions and I am convinced that decisive progress in improving relations between the United States and the Republic of Korea will accelerate our next meeting ".

The notable part is the next meeting, which is actually a hope for the second US-North summit. He also described the negotiation process between the two countries as a "one-size-fits-all" approach. It is interpreted that Kim gives a lot of meaning to the dialogue phase, which started with the top-down approach between the two countries, not the multilateral negotiations such as the six-party talks.

However, local media in the United States are still skeptical. USA Today reported that President Trump has also shared a pink letter from a dictator in tough negotiations.

"The problem is that there is no reality," said the Washington Post, "the vice-chancellor of the International Institute for Strategic Research (CSIS) of Victor Cha said: "The letter gives no confidence to the experts. .

In the middle of this, the United States and the North agreed to hold talks on the repatriation of US troops to Panmunjom on the 15th. As a result of the talks, if the repatriation of the remains is realized, it will give new power to the debate on denuclearization, which is in a state of stagnation. The talks were scheduled to take place on December 12, but they were rejected because North Korean personnel were not present at Panmunjom.

[워싱턴 = 신헌철 특파원 / 서울 = 김성훈 기자 / 강봉진 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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