MK News – North Korea 4 ㆍ 25 Physical Education … Participation in the Chuncheon International Youth Football Competition


Choi, Moon-soon "I hope to develop the exchange of students of North Korea and South Korea through the tournament"

The participants of the 5th Arye Cup International Cup Football Tournament, held in Chuncheon and Inje, Gangwon-do, participated in the CIQ at the North-South Entry Office of Paju Dorasan (CIQ)

It was an hour late.

The North Korean athletes, who shared three big buses, were greeted by Gangwon governor Choi Moon-soon, who arrived at the south-south entrance office in Paju after completing the proceedings.

On the visit of South Korean reporters, Mun Woong-kung, head of North Korean athletes, briefly replied, "If you walk on it for more than 60 years, this land belongs to me and you know we are Korean. "

"This is a game that will take place after Pyongyang's final game, as it is a game for young children, and is therefore a valuable badet for young people who will lead the era of unification." "To develop the exchange," he said.

"We warmly welcome the North Korean students leaving the country across the country," said Choi. "As football competition progresses significantly, it plays a bigger role in the development of inter-Korean relationships." I hope to open the hope of unity in the union, "he said.

Regarding the preparations for the match, Choi said: "The enthusiasm of the citizens is so keen that more than 25,000 spectators volunteered to watch the match." According to the results of the tournament, I hope to have a chance to grow my business. "

North Korean athletes divided into three major buses will travel to Inje Speedium, which was used as a Korean youth hostel at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics after lunch near the north-south entrance office of Paju Dorasan.

The convention will be held from April 25 to April 3 at the Chuncheon Songam Sports Town Sports Complex and in Inje County, jointly sponsored by the North-South Sports Exchange Association and North Korea Sports Club 4.25.

Future generations of the era of peace on the Korean Peninsula, North Koreans and South Koreans, were created to promote exchanges and cooperation through sport.

North Korea and other participating athletes will start the event on the 3rd of next month. The athlete's departure will follow a 10-day program.

The complete tournament will take place from 28th to 2nd November.

There will be 230 participants from eight teams, including the two Koreas, China, Vietnam and Iran.

North Korea will participate in 84 teams (73 athletes and 11 executives), including the 4 ㆍ 25 physical education group and the Ayeongmyeong physical education group.

Twenty-two games will be played on the 28th, starting with the Gangwon-do team and the preliminaries in Vietnam.

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