More … Personal deviations? Lack of government will?


A 5100-ton tanker, KOTI, is suspected of being bound to North Korea on the sea near Pyeongtaek and at Dangjin Harbor in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do. [Nouvelles] Oh Jang-hwan, reporter

It was found that the North Korean coal carrier ship took the Korean port without any action, and there is growing controversy as to whether it is a hole for international sanctions against North Korea.

It seems that there is a conflict between the views that it is impossible to recognize importers of importers in advance, and that they are not enough to deal with to the government.

The government is investigating 9,000 tons of North Korean coal over the past year via Incheon and Pohang in Russia and related importers. North Korea's coal is actually a violation of sanctions as it is a sanction against the UN Security Council, but it is unreasonable for the government to provide the report because the corporation importer has formally submitted the declaration.

However, the problem is that North Korea's transport ships are still in the domestic port, and there are no clear measures to prevent them.

According to the VOA, Sky Angel and Rich Glory, who were carrying North Korean coal in October last year, arrived in Incheon and Pohang respectively, It is in operation.

As a result of the confirmation of "Maritime Traffic & # 39; showing the real-time location information of the ship, the & # 39; Sky Angel & # 39; was found at 19:35 the day before Korean time, at the Wando Sea, Jeollanamdo,. The "Rich Glory" also pbades Japan near the Korean Straits that day. It is planned to move from the island of Jeju to the destination of the Chinese craft port.

A group of experts reporting to the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee publicly called the Glory Rich an illegal ship in a March report. However, the ships in question, such as the Rich Glory, still navigate freely without being discouraged by Korea or any other member of the UN.

VOA said that Wonsan, which was revealed as the first port port for North Korea's coal, is still actively exporting coal. North Korea's coal is still traded through the hole in the Security Council's sanctions network, and the North Korean foreshore, the Korean Sea, is actually used as a channel.

'Sky Angel & # 39; / maritime traffic with automatic ship identification signal (AIS) captured about 4km from the Wando-gun coast, Jeollanam-do © News1

The United Nations United Nations Security Council Resolution 2397 states that ships having reasonable grounds to engage in illegal activities may take measures such that the detention do not occur in the territory of a Member State even if they do not exist. do not enter the port. A rational basis is needed to hold vessels involved in driving. A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Nguyudek said during a regular briefing the day before: "In the Security Council resolution, it is said that vessels related to illegal activities may be detained when There are reasonable grounds. " He said.

The question of knowing he has not yet grasped the rational basis is: "There may be different judgment problems, so there is a certain degree of problem" he said. "Among the ships already held, there is very direct evidence that there is a lot of direct evidence," he explained.

Problematic vessels like Rich Glory are interpreted in that they have not been able to capture enough evidence or motives to hold them. Other member states of the UN seem to be in a similar situation.

However, some criticize the government's unwillingness to respond to the fact that the Security Council panel has not taken any action against vessels that have declared the act illegal.

Even though it is not a Security Council resolution, the North-South Trade Act shows no sign or willingness to take countermeasures, even if all North Korean products are prohibited.

An official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on the 17th: "It is particularly difficult to distinguish the origin of coal of Russian or North Korean origin," he said, adding that "there are things that have happened," he said.

He said, "The case of violation by a private private contractor is a problem that can happen anywhere in Korea, and that's a cautious aspect until it's over." it is proven that the law on national enterprises is normal. "

The US State Department said on the 20th that the issue was related to the VOA, saying it would not hesitate to take unilateral action on topics that continue to support the regime .

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